
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 06:27:11
In Chinese mythology, they believed that the world at one time had ten suns that .In Chinese mythology, they believed that the world at one time had ten suns that were caused by 10 crows. The effect was devastating to the crops and nature, so they se 两件商品,一件按进价25%销售,另一件按进价降低20%销售,结果售价相同,问商家是盈利还是亏损了?急,快来帮忙啊! 一种商品进价25元卖30元,请问利润是多少我问的是利润是百分之多少 They believed that the toleration of another religion different from their own. 宾语从句的谓语是? 34.They believed that by using computers the production of their factory ________.A.will greatly in34.They believed that by using computers the production of their factory ________.A.will greatly increaseB.would greatly increaseC.would be increased g You must do everthing you can help them 改错 -You_____wash the clothes yourself.-Fine.I well ask someone to help me.A.must B.mustn notC.have to D.do not have to 应该选什么. They are busy p______ using computers now By using computers as an example,the author wants to prove that products of the latestdesign fold the market. 请用【交点式】求二次函数解析式.交点式! 用交点式求二次函数的解析式 5.4万精确到了什么位?有哪几个有效数字? 4.50万精确到哪一位,各有几个有效数字 长方形怎么画线,可以分成两个钝角三角形和两个锐角三角形 i want to talk to mother两个to各起什么作用? My mother never stops __(talk) to me怎么写? 二次函数怎样将一般式变为交点式,又怎样将一般式变为顶点式.速求 二次函数顶点式是不是只需两点,交点式与一般式是要三点对吧 phones must be kept off _____ the talk you must be something to talk You must be p____ when you talk to a young child 他像喝醉了酒一样,整个世界对他来讲好像已经消失了.这句话用了修辞手法吗? 他像喝醉了酒一样,整个世界对他来讲好像己经消失了.(用了什么修辞手法?) ‘他像喝醉了酒一样,整个世界对他来讲好像已经消失了.’这句话用了哪个修辞手 怎样理解“他像喝醉了酒一样,整个世界对他来说好像已经消失了.”出自人教版小学语文4年级下册26课——《全神贯注》 某商品的进价是1500元,若要保证其销售价为1950元,则他的利润率是多少 某种商品的进价为10元,当售价为x元时,此时能销售该物品(x+10)个,此时获利是1500元,求该物品的售价.据此可列方程为----- 初二数学;等腰三角形顶角的度数为Y,底角的度数为X(1)写出Y於X之间的函数关系式:(2)写出自变量X的取值范围; 某商品的售价是165元,商家售出一件这种商品时可获利润是进价的10%到25%,则进价的范围是? 他像喝醉了酒一样整个世界对他来说好像已经消失了是比喻句吗 某商店的售价是165元,商家售出一件这种商品时可获利润是进价的0.0.25,则进价的范围是? 用了什么修辞手法