
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 21:41:01
it needs to be put to the test翻译 The lawn mower before the grass can be cut.A .requires to be repaired B.must be repairingC.needs repairing D.has to be repair 我觉得AC差不多,到底选哪个说明理由 已知线段a b求作x 使x的平方=a的平方-b的平方 已知A(0,1),B(-2,-1),求线段AB的垂直平方线方程 grass 和 lawn 表示草坪有什么区别啊 谁能给我举一个形而上学的例子?简短,易懂的, The school is far away from the shop .(the shop 画线)对划线部分提问()()the school far away ( ) 脑筋急转弯:你打一个喷嚏,说明有人在骂你;打两个喷嚏,说明有人爱你;那打三个喷嚏说明什么呢? occupation,profession,carer,job,work的不同最好能详细一点,谢谢~ occupation ,job ,work ,profession 如何区分?That farm has been in the ___ of his family for over 50 years.A,occupationB.work C.jobD.profession 晏子使楚的主要内容(100字以内)和读后感(350字~450字之间)符合我要求的我会提高悬赏哦!就今天有用哦,快.不过已经没用了 He was unhappy because he came l____ in the exam again 晏子使楚用了那些写法 为什么打一个喷嚏是有人在骂你,而2个是想你 打一个喷嚏是有人想吗?两个是有人骂吗?好讨厌的感觉. 打一个喷嚏是有人骂,打两个喷嚏是有人想,那么,打九个喷嚏是怎么回事? 半径是16厘米的圆纸片,折三次,图形周长是几cm 一个长方形对角对折后,得到如右图所示的图形,阴影部分的图形周长是()cm 英语翻译自己苦点无所谓,别苦了跟你一辈子的女人.最准确的高分 英语翻译The mission aims to send six persons on a five-year flight to Callisto,where they will spend 30days,in2045 求高手翻译这句英文,速求altruism is exhibited when the professional nurse offers specialized knowledge for the welfare of those who have been labeled with or have potential for a medical diagnosis or disease process where some treatment or 贫贱有此女,始适还家门意思 贫贱有此女,始适还家门 翻译 贫贱有此女,始适还家门的适是什么意思 求2011年春节联欢晚会年年有鱼魔术揭秘 修改病句 How are you? -I am feel better. A.How B.feel C.better ( )到底谁说的对啊?公说公有理,婆说婆有理。想想都有理,好像又没理!怎么办啊! 高一结束了,要分班了! They made us __ (feel) better. Football is very important to me,but so is our friendship求翻译 若函数f(x)=loga x (其中a>0,a≠1),在x∈[2,+∞)上总有|f(x)|>1成立,求a的取值范围 已知f(x)=loga(1+X)/(1-X) 当a>1时,求使f(x)>0的X的取值范围 When we learn to treasure simple happinessWhen we learn to treasure simple happiness ,then we will be winners in life