
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 01:35:59
怎么劝人不再去网吧.长一些 化简求值【[x+2y-2/3](x-2y+2分之3)+2y[2y-3]+[3/2]】÷[-1/3x],其中x=-1 怎样劝人别闯红灯 A man worked hard for many years ,He built a sma 坐等一小时what did the man want to give to his children before he went to live in another place?A.the small house B.the small business C.both the small house and the small business2.what did the m American women were ___ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.A. ignored B. refused C. neglected D. denied 请教! 伯牙鼓琴,志在高山,钟子期曰:“善哉,峨峨兮若泰山是什么意思? 作文,我最喜欢的大自然 改为宾语从句!How often does your brother go to school!把它变为宾语从句, my parents are out and i have a younger brother(to care for)为什么是to care for? my parents 可能 go out to have dinner 填词 将此改为宾语从句He asked me,"Does he go to the park?"请问改为He asked me if he went to the park.时第二个he要不要改为that man 之类的? my parents 可能 go out to have dinner 填什么? 改为宾语从句,Are you going to leave fo Shanghai tomorrom,Amy?改为宾语从句!怎么改, 请帮我变成宾语从句, Is it nice to be around your parents again?这句话该怎么翻译?around和nice如何翻译? 还是几个转换为宾语从句的...Who is he looking for?Do you know___looking for?Why is the plane late?I didn`t known __the plane _____.He has alreadly come back.He told me_____he ___already come back.How can i get tothe summer palace?Could you 宾语从句的人称怎样转换 It's not polite to talk to your mother______that It's not good to c too often about your parents根据首字母及句意填空 It's not polite to point___anyone___your chopstics.(介词)令point的用法 伯牙弹琴,志在明月,钟子期曰::“------!”志在清风,钟子曰:“———!”志在炊烟,钟子期曰:“--- 伯牙鼓琴,志在明月钟子期曰善哉什么?志在清风,钟子期曰善哉什么?志在什么钟子期曰善哉什么? 会不会有时快、有时慢? 帮忙写一遍英语作文,是关于如何度过自己的闲暇时间要点如下:1、看电视在一定程度上可以让我i门放松2、更好地度过闲暇时间的方法是培养自己的业余爱好3、积极地度过闲暇时间很重要, 中共十四大明确提出,我国经济体制改革的目标是建立什么 would you like newCDs?a.any b.some c.a d.thatwould you like newCDs?thay are very wonderful Would you like that _____ ,sir?A.gift wrap B.gift wrapped C.gift package D.gift packaged为什么D不对? 中共十四大确立的经济体制改革的目标是什么? Those who lost and can not have Those who wish to sing always find a song.的意思还要跟它意思相近的中国谚语. 同城”范围不应小于地级市行政区划,同一直辖市、省会城市、计划单列市列入同城范畴.从延安邮政往渭南邮政打钱 是不是也要收汇费? 直辖市与计划单列市的区别