
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 18:29:30
在正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,试做出过AC且与直线D1B平行的截面 左边十个口是个什么字 左边口字旁 右边一个虐这个字念什么?5笔都打不出来 字典也查不到 在棱长为a的正方体ABCD-A'B'C'D'中,求证平面A'BD//平面CB'D' 歇后语:拔节的竹笋——( ) 老鼠钻进书箱子里——()砌墙的砖头——( )愚公的家——( )关公赴会——( ) 已知圆O的半径为5,弦PQ与弦RS互相垂直,垂足为K,PQ=RS=8,则OK= 过⊙O 的弦BC的中点A作二弦PQ、RS,连PS、RQ交BC于M、N.求证:AM=AN. 《观沧海》选自哪里如题 观沧海选自什么,是什么的第一章 观沧海选自曹操集还是乐府诗集? 曹操的观沧海选自哪里啊? 观沧海选自那 是什么的第一章 作者是谁 无丝分裂,有丝分裂,是不是属于无性生殖? 求PQ的长度 迪迦奥特曼 用英语怎么说 下面哪一题,连接pq 求pq平行于ae. 在半径为2的扇形中,角aob=90度 od垂直于哪个区的题目bc oe垂直于ac 现在90后什么最流行? 鸶可以组什么词除了鹭鸶 鸶的组词 "下列哪种细胞可以通过渗透作用吸水"a 刚撕下的蚕豆叶表皮细胞B 尚未萌发的菜豆的胚芽细胞C 用95%乙醇浸泡过的洋葱鳞片叶上表皮细胞D 刚切下的小麦根尖生长点细胞为什么? 在半径为2的扇形OAB中角AOB等于90度点C是弧上的一个动点不与AB重合OD垂直BC “悸蓍卺”这几个字读什么? 醢字怎么读? 是由很多个‘少 ’组成的‘多’字 一个成语 Fortunately,however,the increasing power and organization of the trade unions,at least in all skilled trades,enabled the workmen to meet on equal terms the managers of the companies who employed them.我只问最后一句话,enabled the workmen to me 求解析一个长难句For centuries,beautifully worked flints were regarded as the work if elves,a notion once far more plausible than the idea that humans roamed the world's wilderness in small bands long before the days of the greeks and roman em 分析一个英语长难句Count the length,m,of the stream and the number,r,of occurrences of our picked token a_J in the stream from that point on:r=|{j≫J:a_j=a_J }|.分一下它的结构和意思。我想知道length、m、of the stream and 爱情两字有什么解释.. 动物中盗贼是怎样偷东西的? He helped popularize the idea that some diseases not previously thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections,which around much controvery when it was first suggested.the idea 后面的同位语从句不太明白 怎么只有not 没有be 请高手们帮我分析一个句子The act is in reaction to a Mexican-American programme in Tucson, which opponents claim teaches Hispanics that they are oppressed by whites.which opponents claim teaches Hispanics that they are oppressed by whites.