
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 06:45:19
It is only____ from the school to the park.A.a 15 minutes' walk B.a 15-minutes walkC.a 20 minute walk D.a 20-minutes' walk 选哪个 为什么 英语翻译How would you term the part of machine? It is only five miutes to walk to school from my home.对吗?是walk还是to walk? 想纹身、 想纹一段法文的字母.有没有经典一些的词句, 帮我解开这个sudoku()()38()2()6()46()()71()()()()91()63()47()35()()()()()9827()5()()()()()()()()()()()7()()426()()()7()()()()()()2()()8458()()()()()3()空格里面要填的是1~9的数字 横格 竖格 的数字都要不重复 也就是1~9 总 用英文翻译:友情在我过去的生活里就像一盏明灯,照彻了我的灵魂,使我的生存有了一点点光彩 请给我找一些仙侠的名句比如千重劫 百世难 亘古匆匆 弹指间 不死躯 不灭魂 震烁古今 无人敌 待到阴阳逆乱时 以我魔血染青天 orientation与direction的区别 juggling a football是什么意思 牛肉面汤调料配方牛肉面汤料秘方 These students show great interest____the junk foodThese students show great interest______ the junk food Even a small cellphone____store a large amount of information with the development of science and technology.A.must B.need C.shall D.can go beyond是什么意思 not available是什么意思 cloud not Available什么意思? go beyond the headlines什么意思 1.____ ______yogurt do you need?2.Diana is 11.Mary is 13.(合并为一个句子) My grandpa is old.He has g____hair 以Grandpa's hair is very white,开头的歌曲怎么翻译?Grandpa's hand is thin and weak.And grandpa walks but slow. It has worked hard all his days;He likes to sit in his easy hair,A strong right hand ,and an honest hand,While the children come a stand on和rely on 区别 Reply from time Do you understand? 正是我要的,可惜我分少.哎,感激之情日绵绵江水滔滔不绝,又如黄河泛滥一发不可收拾………该感谢您的,谢错人了.汗……………… 敬业与乐业作者从哪两个方面论证凡职业没有不是神圣的 关于 吊古伤今 的古诗,要有作者,越多越好啊~ 周星驰有一部电影,里面有句话“我对你的爱,犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝,.”,这话完整的话是怎么说的啊 孔子的人生挑战就是费劲苦折,很艰难才过去的! 初中军训作文200字 语文六年级下册方法丛书我们学的怎么样用并不是但造句 Taxi drivers are constantly demanded to slow down _________there are many passers-by.A、becauseB、even thoughC、whenD、where请说明理由. 新手烘焙要准备些什么原料?打算自己学学烘焙,做做小蛋糕,小饼干什么的,工具看到天猫&淘宝上有套装,那么原料呢?大概需要些什么?谁能告诉我一些基本的通用的?感激不尽 Reply from bytes=32 time