
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 06:17:23
____she is over 40,____she looks young.( ) A.Although;but B./;but C.Although;/ DBoth;and不过B为什么不可以?错了错了,D选项是bothB and C 从百草园到三味书屋中书屋里挂着梅花鹿画像的用意是什么?在古人的习惯里,“松”、“鹤”等又代表啥? I have some friends ————England (at on for from)填什么 The news that they would go to Shanghai delightde all of them的中文意思 定义从句:they invited me to visit their country ,____ is very kind of them 环境标准包括哪些方面? I would rather send e-mail to my friends than go to visit them,it___time.takes ,saves,needs. 组织的一般环境包括哪些方面 let's go to visit them为啥不对 生态环境包括哪些方面面积污染,白色垃圾 气候包括哪些方面? 什么是生态环境,它包括哪些方面? who are they还是who are them They are enjoying them themselves改为同义句 Whose oranges are--?-They are--(them)What--in his classroom?--Many boys and girls.翻译 我要一件像这样的毛衣翻译 录音带They are Chinese women =The women are___. If you canna cry,cry on my shoulder 一组数据中,如果有两个数据出现的次数一样多,那么怎么决定众数 人工翻译英语老板现在出差去了,大概半个月后回来,回来后商量这个事情 I think hamburgers are ( d ).I like them.求I think hamburgers are ( d ).I like them. How do you like talk shows?I can't stand_________.They are boring.空里填 it 还是 them. 把《化石吟》3,4,5,6段改写成散文形式只改3段,4段,5段,6段就OK了诸位大哥大姐帮帮忙啦特好了我再给50分 化石吟3、4、5、6节紧承原诗的第二节 一句展开 初一上学期生物课本第一课内容初一上学期生物课本第一课里的什么是生物内容打过来,快,急~~~~~~~~~~~,今天必须发过来 The benefit of goat's milk lies in the fact that it is more easily to () by infants.A to digestB digested说说区别 谢谢题干多打了 to it is of benefit…和it is of benefits…哪个对 为什么? 那如果相同的众数出现的频率相同,但有一组数据中出现了一组较小的众数,是否说明这组数据较小? 如果一组数据的众数是5,那么这组数据中出现次数最多的是5. 化石吟讲述了什么? 赞美了什么? 如图,OA、OB是⊙O的半径,且OA垂直OB,操作:在OB上取任意一点P,AP的延长线交⊙O于C,过点C作⊙O的切线CD,交OB的延长线于D,探究:在图中找出一组相等的线段,并证明你的结论 what promble do you think youth unemployment will cause to the indiwidual and society?的准确意思是什么啊晕,呵呵 如图,MN是半圆O的直径,K是MN延长线上一点,直线KP交半圆于点Q,P.若∠K=200,∠PMQ =400,则∠MQP等 于( )A.300 B.350 C.400 D .500那个图大家可以到网http://第七 如图,BD是半圆的直径,O为圆心,A为BD延长线上一点,AC切半圆于E,BD⊥AC交于C,交半圆于F,若AC=12,BC=9,求AD的长必须要有详细过程,包括辅助线