
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/20 06:57:39
arrive at/in,reach,get to有什么区别? arrive in/at get to reach 的区别 请问知道什么植物的叶子是绿色的,叶子上有淡黄色的斑点,叶子不平整像有齿轮一样? 我这盆植物的叶子怎么起斑点了,而且叶子有点泛黄.怎么弄的?帮解决下.谢谢. 描写荷花的三个比喻句 用荷花造一个排比句、夸张句、比喻句、拟人句. 描写荷花的比喻句 快用荷花这个事物做个比喻 1.I didn't go to bed--[since,until]my mum came back last night. the boy went to bed after his mother came back home改同义句the boy __ __to bed __his mother came back home Amy went to bed after her mother came back last night的同义句? His mother went to bed after he came back last night. I went to bed after my mother got back 改为同义句 I to bed my mother got back my mother came back home,I was still____A wake B wake up C awake i _____my homework when my mother came back home.a,had done b,was doing 这里 ,如果把b改为 had finished 就是对的, I was reading a book when my mother came home.When my mother came home,I was reading a book .两句翻译可不可以都一样 不调换中文语序. when was my I came back doing my mother home work 连此成句连词成句 he was reading when his mother came back.→He _____ _____reading when his mother _____back home.1)1)改为否定句→_____ he reading when his mother_____back home?(改为疑问句) reach get to arrive 区别 写人,写事,写景好词好句好段,比喻句,拟人句!越多越好! 比喻句、拟人句、好词大全24号以前要,我急用! 用白云一词分别写一个比喻句和一个拟人句 有没有好词好句,50个比喻句,50个拟人句,30个排比句? 分类成语(四字词语)谁又分类的四字词语呀.每种最少10个 10句比喻句10句拟人句 10个比喻句 和10个拟人句 急用 那些植物开绿花? 世界上最小的花是什么植物的花 有绿色花或黑色花的植物吗? 英语词组怎么记住?总是记完就忘~有没有好办法能够记一辈子忘不了? 怎么快速记住英语短语无 谁有十句比喻句,拟人句和夸张句 根和茎是什么器官,花和果实是什么器官