
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 00:58:26
下面句子中没有语病的一项是?(写出具体语病原因和修改意见)A 在原始文化遗址水洞沟,人们发现了略加磨制的鸵鸟蛋穿孔饰件和骨片制成的骨锥,这是磨制技术的萌芽,在人类生产发展史 英语翻译翻译 六年级语文地4课的好词好句 don't jump the queue .you're______to see the doctor.A.eighth B.the eighth C.eight D.eighties don't jump the queue ! you must wait for your ____ (有音标,类似于ten) He speaks english a little ( ) from us是填diffierent还是differently can he (speaks)(english)?yes,(a little)找括号中的错误并改错 English is difficult as Mathe改为同义句 跪求英语学霸. We are young.Let the old man______the boat first.A.to get on B.gets on C.get on D.getting on let the young man ______ her a hand. We may not know how to use the telephone in the country which are visiting.这是改错题为什么是在which后面加we 而不能把visiting改成visited 不可以是被动语态吗? We may not know ( ) to use the telephone in the country we are visiting.We may not know how to buy完型填空 求英语学霸.综合填空 求英语学霸.用适当形式填空 单词填空求英语学霸! 英语填空 They are going to have a basketball match () nexu week. Asometime Bsome time Csometimes Dsome timesThey are going to have a basketball match () nexu week. A sometime B some time C sometimes D some times .应该选什么,理由是什么? The man tried to jump _____ the train,but failed.填介词 举头望明月 低头思故乡是什么季节写的 “举头望明月,低头思故乡”与“举头望明月,低头写作业”的区别?有没有权威的答案? 举头望明月低头思故乡是描写忧愁的吗 清政府完全成为西方列强统治中国的工具,变成了“洋人的朝廷”.假如你是当时的一位爱国人士.清政府前面加上“辛丑条约这一不平等条约的签订” 你会提出什么样的救国方案? 一些不平等条约使清政府变成“洋人的朝廷”.如果你是爱国人士,你能提出什么样的救国方案. 曾在国外留学的著名爱国人士有哪些 英语作文捉小偷 just think all the time,just not to do any thing!who can help me? He doesn't want ____that he's going awayA.to be known B.him to be known C.that to be known D.it to be known我选的A错了,答案是C! 为什么选C呢? you can choose___apples,orange,or bananas. 应该选哪个答案,为什么?a.all b.both c.either d.neither I prefer orange to apple 中学生应该怎样写好作文?困惑······老是写出不合格的作文,没有事情写啊,只会“议论”. 床前明月光,疑是地上霜.举头望明月,低头思故乡.是不是写月亮的? How do you____all that food?(携带) You'd better ____(exercise)____(much)than before.