
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 12:25:31
在这个暑假里怎样预习高一的知识最好两个月的假期已经只剩下一个月了,我把高一的书借来了,可是有种不知从哪里下手的感觉,到底怎么预习最好啊 预习高一知识,换底公式死活不会用.我很笨的,最好有简单的例题.像logac*logca,log23*log34*log45*log52,(log43+log83)(log32+log92)我一点也不会做啊~55555..能使我弄明白的话我再加分.谢啦. 暑假需要提前预习哪些高一知识啊?最好还能推荐些辅导书吧 微信公众号阅读数问题现在微信公众号推送的文章不显示阅读数了吗?我这两天打开的文章都是看不到阅读数了呢?是以后都取消掉了吗? 对于动物哪些叫雌雄,哪些叫公母 如何获取微信文章阅读数 accord 把握现在 作文 不过呢 做好是思路# 英语翻译1、it would not equal half the amount of me missing you.2、the intense storm that keeps blowing3、it is not as intense as my heart worrying about you4、you probably don not konw how hurt i am deep inside my heart 英语翻译If that’s the case,it would remain same and i will see you on 25 April 2011.Sorry for any inconvenience caused. 为什么有的动物会没有雌雄分 看有的电视都这样讲? 英语翻译我有道字典的翻译是“Why do you delete me”这样说对吗?外国人能懂吗? 动物为什么分公母人也是动物 编制出控制一台电动机运转10S后停止5S,重复如此动作3次的梯形图. 关注微信公众号用英文怎么说 所给词适当形式填空1why don't you -----(walk) to school in the morning?2.it's sunny today .what about ---(run) in the park?3.would you like --(eat)some bread?4.---they---(watch) the cartoon last night?5.it ----(rain) tomorrow ,because it's wi 设计一个控制电路,要求第一台电动机M1启动运转5秒以后,第二台电动机M2自动启动,M2启动5秒后M3自动启动,每台电动机都运行10秒后自动停止 电动机M1先起动后,经过一段时间延时后M2才能自行起动,试画控制电路? Why don't you walk to school?变成同意句怎么变 We often walk to school in the morning.____ ____ you often ____ to school in the morning? 英语翻译I just finished talking with you ,I learned that You still not trusting methat is ok,maggy...because I am living with her in USA..the two reason is more than enough to you to not trusting me..well,it's your life ...whatever happened you a 英语翻译by the way,I wanted to tell you this ,if something happend,it is not by others..this is a very crystal clear idea,you know it and i know it everything is made by you whether an act by someone or by you..you will be liable because you are 求六年级按比例分配的应用题和比的数学列示,好的给20悬赏.1.化简下面各比.102/68 0.32:0.8 2.A、B两地相距480千米,甲、乙两辆汽车同时从A、B两地出发相向开出,4小时后相遇.已知甲、乙两车的 植物雌激素和动物雌激素 许多生物的性别决定方式和人基本一样,如_______类、_______类和所有的_________类动物. 动物和人为什么只有2个性别 帮我翻译几篇初一英语```````(A)A fox is looking for food.He is very hungry.Now he comes near a wall.The wall is very high.The fox is looking up.He sees a lot of fine greaps on the wall.He says,"How nice they are!I want to eat them.”The fox 英语翻译14.做...的方式 15.roll over 16.烧毁 17.为向...表示敬意 中文的信和英文的信有什么不同 What ---------they often ----------(do) on Saturday? What do they often do on Sundays?Sundays可以改成Sunday 吗?为什么? 为什么动物配种都是用雄性配种而不是雌性?