
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 03:12:14
若2x方+2xy+y^2-2x+1=0,则xy= 判断7的99次方+2是质数还是合数,请说明理由快这星期就要 2xy-[xy+2(xy-xy)]+y 其中x=2x+1 y=2011/2012 怎么写 先化简,在求值 如题 若2x+y=0,则x^2=xy+y^2/2xy-x^2的值为 为什么我算来算去都是7/3?知道的写详细过程 已知x的3次方+x的平方+x+1=0求x的2007次方的值 x²-75x+1350=0用十字相乘法怎么解 阅读理解填词 急.阅读理解填词Most people enjoy leisure.It is their f____ time when they are not at the factory or office working.People can do things they like d____,they can c____what they want to do.But in Tomorrow's World the w____peop x平方-75x+35=0 计算首层建筑面积时算不算台阶和散水? 入口处平台、踏步台阶面积该不该算入建筑面积中那么主入口处得柱雨棚,算建筑面积时,是全面积呀还是半面积.这个我是知道的.主要是没有建筑物高度,只有面积.我怎么知道该算全面积还是 Bob was a geadener and he had no work for a few months.One day,he went out to look for a j( 1 ).While he was w( 2 )in the street,he saw a a poster at the gate of the restaurant.It said that they n( 3 ) to hire a man who could g( 4 )flowers and trees 阅读理解填词 (1)5x^2-5x-60=多少 (2)2X^3-8X^2-24x=多少 (3)2a^2b^2+14ab-60=多少 (4)x^3-8x^2y-20xy^2 已知方程X2-6X+9=0可以写成(X-P)2=7的形式,那么X2-6X+Q=2可以配方成什么? UNICEE(联合国儿童基金会)is a part of UN.It was f______ in 1946the war in Europe to help children.These p______ children’s lives were changed b______ of the war at that time.Now,UNICEE words all over the w______.It provides clean water,f 已知多项式(a+3)x^3-2x^2y+y^2-(5x^3+y^2+1)中不含x^3项计算a^3-2a^2+4a-1的值. 想知道这种台阶怎么算建筑面积?如果顶上加一个悬挑的雨篷呢? 1.将方程(x+1)²+2(x+1)²=6x-7化为一般形式为 多少.2.关于x的方程(m²-1)x²+2(m-1)x+2m+2=0,当m是 时,他是一元二次方程.急呀.! 设奇函数f(x)的定义域为R,且周期为5,若f(1)小于-1,f(4)=log2a,则实数a的取值范围是 阅读理解填词.Lily and Lucy are sisters.this is t...room.You can see two b...in the room.This green bed is Lily's,and that blue one is Lucy's.A red schoolbag is on Lily's bed,and two boxes are u...it.What's in the boxes?they are her shoes.On Luc 阅读理解填词, 一直关于方程x.y的二元一次方程组{x-y=3a-3;x+y-1=a化简|4a+1|-|a-2| 展开你的想象,猜想方程x/10+(15分之x+2)=1可能会是那种类型的实际问题,并编写出来,写出它的解题过程 方程x/10+(x+2)/15=1 适用于哪种题型,将之编写出来 在圆O的内接三角形ABC中,AB=AC,D是圆O上一点,AD的延长线交BC的延长线于点P.(1)求证:AB^2=AD*AP;(2)若圆O的直径为25,AB=20,AD=15,求PC和DC的长在平面直角坐标系中,点M在x轴正半轴上,圆M交x轴于A、B 有没有两个圆的关系啊? 与圆有关的两个几何题1、圆O与圆O1相交,过一个交点A引二条割线BAC与DAE分别与连心线OO1所在直线交于D,E,且角BPQ=角DQP,求证BC=DE2、设不过平行四边形ABCD的顶点的一直线分别交直线AB,BC,CD,DA于E,F, 两个关于圆的几何题 .在线等 !1 )如图一,已知:圆O中,A、B在圆上,AM=BN.求证:四边形ABNM为等腰梯形.2 )如图二,已知AB为圆O的直径,OD‖BC,交AC于点D,BC=20cm.求OD的长度.不要用相似三角形。 圆已画好,求第二个问题 求一道方程题的解答x-(1.25-x)=1.2 Is your English __ in May —Yes,it is A.name B.Is your English __ in May —Yes,it is A.name B.book C.test What is your English name?