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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/18 06:42:08 行政管理论文
【论文参考网 - 行政管理论文】
摘要:与李退溪同时代的韩国学者曹南冥,依据程朱等的象数观念构建了独特的体系结构,这使他对天道与人道问题拥有了自己的见解。在天道观方面,南冥通过他的10 幅图解,勾勒出一幅从宇宙演化-结构-本体追寻-内在规律(包括变化运动原因、必然性、趋势)——天人关系的图景,使理学天道观的内涵得到充分的阐示。在人道观方面,他把太极、乾道变化落实到各正性命、继善成性而立诚的过程之中,较为形象地为人类的伦理道德找到了本体论上的依据,从而弥补了当时韩国哲学研究注重义理而忽视象数的缺陷。



Significance of the CAO Nan??ming’s Yi??ology by the ten diagrams made by him
Abstract:As a contemporary Korean scholar with LI Tui??xi, CAO Nan??ming constructed a special system based upon CHENG Yi and ZHU Xi’s image??number ideas, revealing his distinctive understanding to the Dao (Way) of heaven and that of human. For the Dao of heaven was concerned, through the illustration of the 10 diagrams, he sketched a prospect from the cosmic evolution to the cosmic structure, to the pursuit of ontology, to the inherent law (including the cause, inevitability, and tendency of changes and motions), and to the relationship between heaven and human, making the idea of the Dao of heaven adequately manifested. For the idea of the Dao of human, he actualized the idea of Taiji and the transformations of the Dao of Qian (hexagram 1, symbolizing creative, heaven, and so on) in the course of correcting the nature and life of the myriad things, accumulating goodness to perfect the nature, by which the sincerity would be established, and therefore he vividly found an ontological basis for human morals and virtues and compensated the defects of then Korean philosophical studies only stressing philosophical connotations but neglecting the image??number Yi??ology.
??Key words:CAO Nan??ming; LI Tui??xi; image??number Yi??ology; explicating idea by diagrams; uniting the heaven and human



一、 崇奉朱子,关注象数??
