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计算机论文:Athabasca University Library:Services of a[1]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/22 12:17:55 计算机论文
计算机论文:Athabasca University Library:Services of a[1]计算机论文
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Athabasca University (AU) is Canada’s Open University, specializing in the provision of distance education courses at the post-secondary level. The admission requirement for undergraduate students is that applicants to the University be 18 years of age. Students may take courses leading to a number of certificates and degrees. AU offers 14 university certificate programs, 2 university diploma programs, 13 undergraduate degree programs, and 5 graduate programs.

Since 1995 the University has witnessed dramatic growth. Course enrolments over the past 3 - 5 years have increased by more than 50%. Undergraduate program registrations have increased by more than 41%; graduate-level registrations have increased by more than 289%. Accessibility to courses, the ability to register in courses year-round, and fewer barrier to studying at a conventional university are the main reasons cited by students for studying at Athabasca University. Surveys of Athabasca University students reveal that the vast majority of students would recommend AU to a friend or colleague.

Approximately one-half of the student body is comprised of visiting students – students who take an AU course with the intent of transferring the credits to another university. Reasons for transferring credits primarily are that courses are not always offered at the student#39;s home institution, there may be time tabling difficulties at the student#39;s home institution, or that students choose to take an independent study course in addition to the course load at the home institution, and without the apparent restrictions surrounding attendance in a classroom. The number of students who enroll in a course at AU to transfer the credits to their home institution is also increasing at a steady rate.

The number of AU graduates is increasing year by year – the number of credentials awarded in 1999 was 38% higher then the number of credentials awarded in 1998.

The growth rate in course registrations计算机论文