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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/22 11:34:56 计算机论文
【找论文网 - 计算机论文】

We present an international human resource development scheme in the form of virtual global university concept to meet the requirements of engineering professionals to serve

different societies with ease. As a role model we have chosen one key area of technology: mobile communication technology where needs for such professionals are being acutely

felt. The proposal emphasizes international linkages in the form of a confederation of institutes across the globe joining hands for the common academic pursuits. The academic

structure has to be flexible, with some basic ingredients to be accepted by all. The manpower so trained will be conversant at least with two work cultures and ethos of two

distinct societies.

Keywords: Virtual university, mobile communication, international bias, masters#39; programme


Recent developments in technology and concomitant changes in the world order, arising out of the necessity for economic/societal developments and resulting in liberalization and

globalization policies of major nations, have affected the academia and the educational scenario all over. There has been a paradigm shift in (i) the expectations of the society

from the academia, (ii) the contents, delivery of contents and the methodologies of the delivery, or even the way books are being written today, and (iii) the felt need in the

society for life-long learning skills. In general, higher education in several countries of the world is witnessing serious resource crunch due to curtailment in grants from

their respective governments mostly on the misplaced notion that the institutions of higher learning can completely fend themselves. We examine some of the issues in this

article with particular reference to higher technical education scenario. Technological developments and their applications, especially in the IT related areas, require large

manpower input. But we fin计算机论文