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文学论文 :China’s utilization of foreign capital[1]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 08:18:13 文学论文
文学论文 :China’s utilization of foreign capital[1]文学论文
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China’s utilization of foreign capital 发布时间: 2003-10-24 作者:秩名 目录Chapter 1: the new stage of China’s use of foreign capitalChapter 2: the problems and countermeasures of China’s utilization of foreign capital Section 2 Major Countermeasure Which Should be Adopted Currently Section 1: Current major problems of utilization of foreign capital Chapter 3: the new thoughts of utilizing foreign capitalChapter 4:the estimation of China attracting the foreign capital in 2002

Chapter 1: the new stage of China’s use of foreign capital Before 1989, China takes advantages of her preferential policies to attract foreign capitals but for many reasons, the scale of foreign capitals is quite small, After 1992, Deng Xiaoping#39;s south cruise, the foreign capital began to flow into China in large-scale. The reason is that the profits of enterprises decreased, the market shank and the commodity price went down, which resulted form the slack of Chinese economy form 1989 to 1992. In order to get out of the deep end, the all the enterprise, the enterprises expected to refresh the techniqu es and offer more new products to quickly capture the market, and survived and developed through the difference of system and price, particularly the preferential treatment. Therefore,foreign capitals were strongly needed(also resulted form the difference of internal and external policies), while the expanding of influx of foreign capitals into China happened. This stage didn’t end until 1997. In this stage, the joint venture started competing intensively (primarily for technique, market shares and non- price factors) in Chinese market, and led to the maturity of Chinese market comp etition. The utilization of the foreign capital has already entered a new stage regarding financial crisis in Asia, which is symbolized by the followings 1. The percentage of foreign capital over the whole investment decreases, and has come into a low percent period. Meanwhile, the need of foreign ca文学论文