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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 06:28:29 新概念英语
  表示将来会发生的事情,形式为will do,如:We'll meet him early in the morning.
  小品词主要是指介词或副词。本课侧重的是be+副词的用法,常见的表达有:be away/back(离开/回来);be out/in(出门/在家);be (all) over(结束); be on(上演); be up to(达到); be after(寻找); be up(起床)等。
  Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison,
  will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.
  1)Captain Charles Alison用作neighbour的同位语,起补充说明作用。 2)captain表示船长,此处用作头衔,首字母要大写。 3)sail from,从某地起航。 4)可简单介绍一下英国著名港口城市朴茨茅斯(Portsmouth)。
  We'll meet him at the harbour
  early in the morning.
  1)meet sb.,接/送某人。 2)harbour一般表示天然港口,注意与port(人工港口)的区别。 3)early in the morning,清早、一大早。
  He will be in his small boat Topsail.
  Topsail is a famous little boat.
  1)注意两句话说到同一艘小船(boat)时,却前后分别使用了small和little。small往往指物理意义上的小,而little则融入了说话者对这艘船的喜爱之情,觉得这艘船很小巧、惹人爱。 2)可解读一下这艘船的名称Topsail,说明这艘船的名字起得很好。 3)famous,著名的,名词原形是fame(名声,名望)。
  It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. 1)因为本句含有many times,所以动词采用了现在完成时形式。 2)可介绍世界四大洋:the Pacific/Atlantic/Indian/Arctic Ocean。
  Captain Alison will set out at eight o'clock,
  so we'll have plenty of time.
  1)set out,表示出发,相当于set off。 2)plenty of,许多,一般后接不可数名词。
  We'll see his boat and then
  we'll say goodbye to him.
  say goodbye to sb.,向某人道别。say sth. to sb.,向某人说,比如:say hello to sb.,向某人问好;say good morning to sb.,向某人问早上好。
  He will be away for two months. be away,表示离开。此处之所以不用瞬间动词leave来表达离开,是因为后面用了表时间段的for two months。
  We are very proud of him. be proud of,以...为豪。
  He will take part in an important race
  across the Atlantic.
  1)take part in,参加。 2)important,重要的。 3)race,竞速类比赛。可对比match(多指球赛)与competiton(多指学科等智力知识类比赛)的用法。