英语翻译从传统的经济 政治体制向社会主义市场经济 政治体制的转型是当今中国最重要的转型,这种经济 政治体制转型的顺利进行,加速了中国的现代化进程,促进了中国从传统社会向现代社

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 21:29:08

英语翻译从传统的经济 政治体制向社会主义市场经济 政治体制的转型是当今中国最重要的转型,这种经济 政治体制转型的顺利进行,加速了中国的现代化进程,促进了中国从传统社会向现代社
从传统的经济 政治体制向社会主义市场经济 政治体制的转型是当今中国最重要的转型,这种经济 政治体制转型的顺利进行,加速了中国的现代化进程,促进了中国从传统社会向现代社会的转型.转型期的中国在经济增长、人民生活水平提高、综合国力增强等方面都取得了举世瞩目的成就,但不容否认的是,在转型过程中也出现了一些严重的社会和政治问题.行政腐败问题就是转型期中国所面临的一个十分突出的问题

英语翻译从传统的经济 政治体制向社会主义市场经济 政治体制的转型是当今中国最重要的转型,这种经济 政治体制转型的顺利进行,加速了中国的现代化进程,促进了中国从传统社会向现代社
It is most important to turn the traditional economical and political system to socialism market economy.The smooth progress of economical and political system transformation increases the progress of China's modernization and accelerate the transformation which turns China from traditional to modern society.During the period of transformation ,China has achieved the outstanding goals in economy increasing,improving the living standard of people and general country power enhancing.But we should not deny that it has occured serious social and political problems during the transformation.Political bribery is a serious problem that China has to face during the transformation.
Political is not the product of Chinese society during the tranformation period.Although it has its own characteristics of the times especiallly during our country's transformation and it has been pointed that it is not available to restrict power by power in a short time in our country's special circumstances.So it is key to value the enhancement of restriction to power by society in order to restrict power corruption.

The transition from the traditional political and economic system to the socialist market economy and political system is the most important transition of China, the transition of economic and politic...


The transition from the traditional political and economic system to the socialist market economy and political system is the most important transition of China, the transition of economic and political system smoothly, accelerate the process of China's modernization, and promote the transformation of China from a traditional society to a modern society. The transition of China in terms of economic growth, improve people's living level, enhance the comprehensive national strength, gained the success that attract worldwide attention, but undeniable is, in the process of transformation also has some serious social and political issues. Administrative corruption is the transition period of China faces a very prominent problem of administrative corruption is not the product of particular social transformation in China, although the transition of administrative corruption is particularly unique characteristics of the times in the society of our country, and points out that in the special situation of China, from a short period of time is not feasible degree through power restricting the power, so the key to strengthen the restriction of social power, in order to effectively curb the corruption of power


From the traditional economic and political system to the transformation of political system of socialist market economy is the most important transition in China today, this kind of economic and poli...


From the traditional economic and political system to the transformation of political system of socialist market economy is the most important transition in China today, this kind of economic and political system transformation smoothly, speed up the process of modernization in China, promoted the transformation of China from traditional society to modern society. Transition of China's economic growth, people's living standards improve, the comprehensive national strength enhanced, etc have made remarkable achievements, but there is no denying the fact that, in the process of transformation and some serious social and political issues. Administrative corruption is the transition period of China faces a very prominent problem
Administrative corruption are not peculiar to our society in transition period, although in the era of social transition in China administrative corruption is particularly unique characteristics, and points out that under the special national conditions in our country, through the feasible degree of power restriction power from a short period of time is not big, so the key to attach importance to strengthen social constraints on power, thus effectively contain the power corruption


英语翻译从传统的经济 政治体制向社会主义市场经济 政治体制的转型是当今中国最重要的转型,这种经济 政治体制转型的顺利进行,加速了中国的现代化进程,促进了中国从传统社会向现代社 从经济、政治、文化等方面说明传统社会向现代社会转变的历史规律? 新民主主义向社会主义过渡的经济条件是什么? 中国古代政治体制产生的经济根源 社会主义的基本特征是什么?从经济上.思想文化上! 从传统经济到低碳经济的转变的关键靠什么 .秦朝与雅典政治体制有何显著区别?从经济是角度分析两者不同的主要原因是什么? 什么是社会主义的经济形式? 苏联在经济政治体制上存在的严重弊端是 在新中国成立后的一个时期内,半社会主义性质的合作经济是A个体经济向社会主义集体经济的过渡形式 B资本主义个体经济向社会主义个体经济的过渡形式 C私人资本主义经济向社会主义国营 英语翻译在当前我国正处于从计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转变和从传统社会向现代社会、从农业社会向工业社会、从封闭性社会向开放性社会的社会变迁和发展的特殊历史时期. 我国向社会主义过渡时期的5种经济形态?即新民主主义社会时的经济结构. 中国政府为实现从新民主主义向社会主义的过渡,实施哪些重大的经济举措 新民主主义社会要继续向前发展并向社会主义过渡的经济条件是 中国政府采取了哪些重大经济举措完成了从新民主主义向社会主义的过渡? 从资本主义向社会主义社会过度时期的含义 单选题:中国特色社会主义的特色,从经济上来看,就在于()a社会主义初级阶段的经济全部是社会主义的经济b社会主义初级阶段的经济主要是非社会主义的经济c社会主义初级阶段的经济只有社 欧洲向资本主义社会转型;新中国向社会主义转型,分别概述其再政治,经济,思想文化方面的表现