
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 09:15:26


Bills of materals management is a critical pare of the design and manufacture of any product.Teamcenter's capabilities for BOM management allow companies to effectively manage central product definition beyond design and engineering and cross the product life cycle.Teamcenter uses the structure manager to creat,credit and build bills of materials.There are several ways to view a BOM,such as the relation browser that graphically shows all of the subsamples and parts and how they are related.Teamcenter makes it easy to navigate to different parts of the product tree and expose the properties
or other major data.
Teamcenter previews vidualization tools enable viewing the parts as assembled,selecting a part in the viewer also highlight the part in the structure.Conversly,sselect the part in the list and it becomes highlighted in the viewer.Teamcenter BOM redlighting capabilities make it easy to document working progress changes before excepting them.We can replace the part simply by selecting it and leading it or search for other parts using Teamcents' powerful capability.
updates are clearly visible.added parts are showing green,while removed parts show a red scribal line.BOM managers like to work in EXCEL,and with Teamcenters' robust integration with Microsoft applications they can.Using Teamcentrs integration people can work in the application they are used to without having to learn the new inner face.This integration called "EXCEL LIFE" matains a life connection to Teamcenter and updates data in real time.Notice as the qualities as the parts are changed inside EXCEL .They are instantly updated inside Teamcenter.Teamcenter's BOM compare allows users to view changes graphically that would be difficult to understand in the text on review .Parts that gives a detail representation of all differences between the two BOMs.contex manager allows users to create pacific groups or context.Here we see some of the groupings which might be creating for our JCB fastrack.By sending the collaboration context item to the contex manager,we can see each of these in detail.By selecting the need of components and assembles ,one engineer can capture all the red parts in the proper context and save and share these sampleese with designers and egineers who need them.As i turn on all of the parts and visualization penal,you can see that i collect all the parts necessary to collect my new assembleing proposal.By providing tailor visibility to clear,current,and accurate product BOM definition specific to the needs of teams and users,companies are more able to meet quality,time,market,and cost requirement.
注:BOM 就是bill of material
物料清单管理是产品设计,生产的一个重要部分.Teamcenter软件能够有效地帮助企业做物料清单来管理主要产品的设计,管理并能延长产品寿命周期.Teamcenter 运用结构管理来创建、编辑、建立物料清单.有几种方法浏览物料清单,如关系浏览器,可以生动地 展现所有的采样,部件,并显示二者的关联方式.Teamcenter简化了产品分支中不同部件的浏览而且显示出了结构中任意部件的性能和主要数据.Teamcenter的预览是视图化工具 使部件装配同时浏览成为可能.从指示器中选择一个部件,会使这个部件在结构图中亮起来.相应地,从列表中选一个部件,它在指示器中也会发亮.Teamcenter 中的物料清单亮光功能使提前辨认工作进程中的变化更容易,运用Teamcenter的强大搜索功能,我们只在其中选定并引导或搜索其他部件就可以替换部件.更新过程是清晰可见的.增加的部件会显示绿色,而 移动的部件会显示红色下划线.物料清单的管理者喜欢用EXCEL工作,而用Teamcenter,与微软应用程序的强大综合,他们同样可以.用Teamcenter,人们可以不用学习新的内表面就能运用此程序工作.这种整合叫做“EXCEL LIFE”包含了Teamcenter 和及时更新的数据的直接联系.注意部件质量的变化在EXCEL表中的体现.它们在Teamcenter中式及时更新的.Teamcenter 的物料清单比较可以使使用者看到及时的变化,这种在浏览时会很难掌握.只在一个列表存在而不再其他列表里的部件呈红色,报告会给出两个清单详细的不同之处的再现演示.

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