英语里between的用法?between 是不是只能用于两者之前吖?三者间的不同怎么说呢?"What's the differents ) A,B and "

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 16:47:05

英语里between的用法?between 是不是只能用于两者之前吖?三者间的不同怎么说呢?"What's the differents ) A,B and "
between 是不是只能用于两者之前吖?
三者间的不同怎么说呢?"What's the differents ) A,B and "

英语里between的用法?between 是不是只能用于两者之前吖?三者间的不同怎么说呢?"What's the differents ) A,B and "
应该是What's the differents between A,B and
一般说来,among 用于三者或三者以上的“在…中间”,f其宾语通常是一个表示笼统数量或具有复数(或集合()意义的名词或代词;而between 主要指两者之间,其宾语往往是表示两者的名词或代词,或者是由 and 连接的两个人或物:They hid themselves among the trees.他们躲在树林中.There was a fight between the two boys.这两个孩子打过一次架.I’m usually free between Tuesday and Thursday.我通常在星期二与星期四之间有空.【注】在下列情况,between 可用于三者:(1) 当两个以上的人或物用 and 连接时:between A,B and C 在 A、B、C 之间.(2) 涉及事物之间的区别或各国之间的关系时:the difference between the three of them 他们三者之间的区别the relations between various countries 各国之间的关系.(3) 表示“由于…合作的结果”时:Between them they landed the fish.他们协力把鱼拖上了岸.(4) 在 divide,share 等表示“分享”之类的动词之后,若接一个表示三者或三者以上的复数名词时,用 among between 均可:He divided his money among [between] his five sons.他把钱分给了5个儿子.

between “在…之间”,是在两者之间,但如果把三者以上分别看待,指每两者间,也就是把很多种只分为两个整体,也用between
例如You shouldn’t eat between meals.
among “在…之间”,是在三者或三者以上
例如 Maria sits between Lucy and Lily.(莉莉和露西,很明显是两者)


between “在…之间”,是在两者之间,但如果把三者以上分别看待,指每两者间,也就是把很多种只分为两个整体,也用between
例如You shouldn’t eat between meals.
among “在…之间”,是在三者或三者以上
例如 Maria sits between Lucy and Lily.(莉莉和露西,很明显是两者)
Miss Li stands among students.(学生们一定是三者以上)
What is the difference among A, B and C
