
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 01:43:01


After a seven-year relationship with a refinery mechanic named Aldo (Steve Cochran),Irma (Alida Valli) learns that her husband died in Australia.The news may sound tragic,but Aldo thinks that this may be a chance for them to "legitimize" their affair.Contrary to what he expects,Irma announces Aldo her love for another man.He tries hard to make Irma stay with him,but all his efforts find an uncompromising Irma.He even uses violence,thus ruining any chances of reunion.Aldo decides to leave his town,taking their daughter with him.He wanders endlessly visiting other towns around Po valley,emotionally and socially empty.During his journey he meets some women,who offer him home and love on occasions,but nothing can keep him steady,as the past and his love for Irma shall haunt him forever.

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