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An extraordinary comic performance from Reese Witherspoon makes Legally Blonde a winner.Witherspoon’s Elle is a ditzy blonde forced by circumstances to metamorphose into a strong-minded and academic lawyer,without losing her strong sense of self in the process.After majoring in fashion sales,she applies to Harvard Law School to pursue the boy who jilted her,and discovers that she is smart as well as beautiful.
Much of this is standard fish-out-of-water fare,with drab "intellectuals" snubbing the colourful and well-meaning Elle.Yet feminists will be disconcerted to discover that,apparently,a life of manicures and accessorising will teach you as much about female solidarity as decades of consciousness-raising!Recruited to the defence team of a fitness guru,she takes the defendant’s innocence for granted rather than feeling superior to her.Gradually,she and her ex's new fiancée build a fragile friendship that matters to both of them; Selma Blair is excellent as the snobbish vulnerable Vivienne.It might be a predictable self-help fairytale,but it’s also well-observed,cute and funny.
Worth a look if nothing better to do,17 May 2006
By Ms.B.Williams "Beth" (South Wales) - See all my reviews
Legally Blonde is never going to be one of those films that you think "I've got to see that again!" as soon as it finishes.I felt that it was a film version of a Lighthouse Family album ie easy watching (if there is such a thing).To give you some idea of the film it tells the story of Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) who gets dumped by her boyfriend as he feels that she's not good enough for him intellectually.This prompts her to leave fashion school,get enrolled at Harvard Law School where her ex goes and try to prove him wrong.This soon becomes secondary to her trying to prove to herself that she can become a bona fide law student.
It's supposed to be a romantic comedy but there's no romance and it isn't that funny.On the plus side Reese Witherspoon does give a good performance as Elle Woods and the film is okay to the extent that you don't feel the need to turn it off half way through.It is incredibly far-fetched however in every aspect from beginning to end but to be honest with a film called Legally Blonde what can you expect.I nearly gave this 3 stars for Reese Witherspoon's performance alone but on closer reflection I decided it wasn't worth that.If Legally Blonde 2 is worse than this which I've heard it to be,I think I'll give that one a miss.
chick flicky comedy,6 Jan 2007
By crazykat "kat" (staffordshire) - See all my reviews
I am not a big fan of comedies.However i watched this and loved it!I think all Reese Witherspoons movies ar fairly funny/great to watch,therefore i knew i would really enjoy this beforehand.
Definitely something for the girls to watch,if not the mens taste.The only reason i rated this 4 out of 5 stars is because i didnt find it a brilliant movie.Though i definitely have to rate this past average.
The best chick flick,9 Feb 2007
By Super_22_chick (London,UK) - See all my reviews
this is THE BEST chick flick/rom-com EVER.
I adore Reese Witherspoon and whilethis may not be most intellectual thing she's ever done,she shines in the role and brings millions of laughs.
This film is funny and romantic,a really good girls night in film,i've watched it at least 20 times and havn't yet got bored of it.
If you enjoy a good laugh and girly movie,this is definatly one i'd recommend,it's funny,sweet and easy to watch,you'll want to watch it again and again.

求律政俏佳人第一部的英文剧情简介及观后感默,写的好的愿意加分的,大概120-150字就够了,一定要英文啊!默,10大哥,这是100多字吗?不带剧情介绍的 求一篇律政俏佳人1的英文观后感,200字左右就行. 《律政俏佳人》的英文影评是什么? 哪里有律政俏佳人的英文影评? 律政俏佳人英文影评 求救!(律政俏佳人1)的观后感..要用英文来写的>!求救! 关于电影《律政俏佳人》的英文影评是一部非常好的电影! 《律政俏佳人》Legally Blonde第一部的积极含义能用英语最好,中文也可以 有谁看过《律政俏佳人》的啊~~求写英文的观后感一两百字即可~~急求呀~~最好是原创额~一定要是英文的啊~~ 求一篇150字左右的英文影评黑客帝国阿甘正传律政俏佳人这三部电影中任意一部写一篇英文影评,150单词左右 帮我用英语翻译律政俏佳人1的剧情简介,急用啊! 谁有《律政俏佳人1》的英文台词? 50分急求律政俏佳人 英文读后感 100~120词的~ 诚求《Legally Blonde 律政俏佳人》电影完整版英文台词或剧本《Legally Blonde 》中文译名为《律政俏佳人》,欲求与电影吻合的英文剧本或台词,如果连续集《Legally Blonde 2 》都有的话,那真是感动 律政俏佳人1里面女主角在毕业典礼上说的话的英文 推荐一部英文电影给我我们要写英文电影的影评,但是不能写课本上出现过的电影,如《肖声克的救赎》《泰坦尼克号》《狮子王》《公主日记》《律政俏佳人》《阿甘正传》《睡美人》等.请 《律政俏佳人》英文观后感要求:150~~200字,不必有太深刻的内容,所用单词尽量不要超出大学新生的能力范围.如果合适,我会追加奖励 运动产生什么化学物质?记得看电影《律政俏佳人》,好像是第一部.里面那个金发尤物说她的那个顾客绝对不会犯罪,因为运动会产生什么什么物质,使人产生满足感,那时什么化学物质来着?