
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/25 00:08:50


朱竹君先生,名筠,大兴人,字美叔,又字竹君,和他的弟弟石君珪,年少时都以会写文章而出名.先生乾隆十九年中进士,授官编修,后升至日讲起居注官,翰林院侍读学士,督安徽学政,因过降级,又重为编修.  先生起初受到诸城刘文正公赏识,被认为是疏朗俊伟奇特之士.后来到安徽,遇到皇上下诏搜求散佚的书籍,先生上奏说翰林院著有《永乐大典》,里面有很多当世见不着的古书,请成立一个专门机构来搜寻校阅,并且陈述的搜集方法也十分完备.当时刘文正在军机处,却不高兴,认为不是紧要的政事而徒增烦恼,打算建议让这事停下来,而唯独金坛文襄公认为先生的奏议很好,跟刘文正坚决争执,最终采用先生的意见上奏给了皇上,四库全书馆从此启动了.先生进入京城,住在馆中,纂修《日下旧闻》.不久,文正去世,文襄任四库馆事务总裁,特别看重先生.先生却不去拜访,还不时因主持馆中事跟他的意见抵触,文襄感到十分遗憾.一天见到皇上,谈及先生,皇上便称许朱筠学问文章远超别人,文襄默然不能发话,先生因此而安然无事.其后督理福建学政,过了一年,皇上派他弟弟珪接替他,回来几个月,就去世了.  先生为人,在家与兄弟友善,而在外喜好交游.称赞别人的好处,唯恐没有说到极致;若有过错,就总是掩饰.后进之士多因他的称许而得名.先生房中从早到晚不曾没有客人,整日整夜跟客人饮酒谈笑,博学强记却不衰减,还时常在这期间写文章.他的文章才气新奇豪放,对于义理、事务、情态,无不具备,想要说的话无不穷尽,尤其喜爱小学(文字音韵训诂之学),当学政时,遇到贤能的生员,跟他们说话谈论就好像同辈人一样,劝别人为学要先从识字开始,语意诚恳殷勤,离去之后人们都爱戴思念他.他想要写的书都没有写成,有诗文集合若干卷.  姚鼐说:我开始认识竹君先生,是靠了昌平陈伯思的关系.当时都二十几岁,聚在一起慷慨激扬纵论时事,相互磨练探讨学问,志向实在伟大啊,哪里只是要作一个文人学士而已呢!先生与伯思,都是卓越人才而沉溺饮酒.伯思中年因酒致病,不能完全发挥他的才华.先生以文章名扬海内,豪放俊逸超过伯思,而伯思持论稍微中和一些.先生晚年,来访宾客更为繁盛,入了他门的,都跟他密切交往,这样也就很劳累了.我回到南方这几年,听说伯思也衰老病重了,而先生去世时年纪才过五十,令人痛惜啊!他在安徽、福建任上时,常常带领宾客饮酒赋诗,游玩山水,幽深险要处都到过.我间或来到山中崖谷,便遇见先生题名,是可推想而知的啊.……

朱竹君先生传 --------------> Mr. Zhu Zhujun pass

朱竹君先生,名筠,大兴人,字美叔,又字竹君,和他的弟弟石君珪,年少时都以会写文章而出名。先生乾隆十九年中进士,授官编修,后升至日讲起居注官,翰林院侍读学士,督安徽学政,因过降级,又重为编修。   先生起初受到诸城刘文正公赏识,被认为是疏朗俊伟奇特之士。后来到安徽,遇到皇上下诏搜求散佚的书籍,先生上奏说翰林院著有《永乐大典》,里面有很多当世见不着的古书,请成立一个专门机构来搜寻校阅,并且陈述的搜集方...


朱竹君先生,名筠,大兴人,字美叔,又字竹君,和他的弟弟石君珪,年少时都以会写文章而出名。先生乾隆十九年中进士,授官编修,后升至日讲起居注官,翰林院侍读学士,督安徽学政,因过降级,又重为编修。   先生起初受到诸城刘文正公赏识,被认为是疏朗俊伟奇特之士。后来到安徽,遇到皇上下诏搜求散佚的书籍,先生上奏说翰林院著有《永乐大典》,里面有很多当世见不着的古书,请成立一个专门机构来搜寻校阅,并且陈述的搜集方法也十分完备。当时刘文正在军机处,却不高兴,认为不是紧要的政事而徒增烦恼,打算建议让这事停下来,而唯独金坛文襄公认为先生的奏议很好,跟刘文正坚决争执,最终采用先生的意见上奏给了皇上,四库全书馆从此启动了。先生进入京城,住在馆中,纂修《日下旧闻》。不久,文正去世,文襄任四库馆事务总裁,特别看重先生。先生却不去拜访,还不时因主持馆中事跟他的意见抵触,文襄感到十分遗憾。一天见到皇上,谈及先生,皇上便称许朱筠学问文章远超别人,文襄默然不能发话,先生因此而安然无事。其后督理福建学政,过了一年,皇上派他弟弟珪接替他,回来几个月,就去世了。   先生为人,在家与兄弟友善,而在外喜好交游。称赞别人的好处,唯恐没有说到极致;若有过错,就总是掩饰。后进之士多因他的称许而得名。先生房中从早到晚不曾没有客人,整日整夜跟客人饮酒谈笑,博学强记却不衰减,还时常在这期间写文章。他的文章才气新奇豪放,对于义理、事务、情态,无不具备,想要说的话无不穷尽,尤其喜爱小学(文字音韵训诂之学),当学政时,遇到贤能的生员,跟他们说话谈论就好像同辈人一样,劝别人为学要先从识字开始,语意诚恳殷勤,离去之后人们都爱戴思念他。他想要写的书都没有写成,有诗文集合若干卷。姚鼐说:我开始认识竹君先生,是靠了昌平陈伯思的关系。当时都二十几岁,聚在一起慷慨激扬纵论时事,相互磨练探讨学问,志向实在伟大啊,哪里只是要作一个文人学士而已呢!先生与伯思,都是卓越人才而沉溺饮酒。伯思中年因酒致病,不能完全发挥他的才华。先生以文章名扬海内,豪放俊逸超过伯思,而伯思持论稍微中和一些。先生晚年,来访宾客更为繁盛,入了他门的,都跟他密切交往,这样也就很劳累了。我回到南方这几年,听说伯思也衰老病重了,而先生去世时年纪才过五十,令人痛惜啊!他在安徽、福建任上时,常常带领宾客饮酒赋诗,游玩山水,幽深险要处都到过。我间或来到山中崖谷,便遇见先生题名,是可推想而知的啊。
Mr. Zhu Zhujun, a Yun, Daxing, the word and the word beauty tertiary, Chu, and his brother Shi Jungui, when young to write the article. Sir nineteen years of Qianlong in the examination, granted, editing, after ascending to speak living official, Shi Du Academy in Anhui, and political science, due to relegation, and heavy for editing. Originally by the Zhucheng Steven Liu public appreciation, is considered to be sparse Lang Junwei strange people. And later to Anhui, met the emperor issued an imperial edict for lost books, sir." Said the Academy author Yongle canon", there are a lot of time to see the book, please set up a specialized agency to search review, and representations of the collection are also very complete. Steven Liu had been in the military department, was not happy, that is not the critical political and inviting worry, going to suggest that it stopped, but Jintan Wen Xiang recognized Mr. memorial is very good, with Steven Liu strongly dispute, eventually adopting Sir views played to the emperor, imperial collection of four Museum from the start. Entered the capital, in the museum, compiling"," news. Soon, is death, Wen Xiang served as president of the imperial library affairs, paying particular attention to mr.. Mr. don't visit, also from time to time as host of museum with his opinions conflict, Wen Xiang felt very sorry. One day to see the emperor, the emperor is said about Mr, Zhu Yun learned articles than others, Wen Xiang Moran cannot call origination, and all is well. Subsequently the governor of Fujian Xuezheng, one year later, the emperor sent his brother Gui replaced him, came back a few months, died. For the people, in the home and the brothers are friendly, and the preferences of friendship. Praising people's benefits, not to the extreme fear; if there is a fault, you always hide. Junior to his name for his approval. From morning till night Mr room not had no guests, all day and all night drinking and laughing with the guests, learned about don't decay, often in this period to write articles. His article to novelty bold, for justice, affairs, modal, all without exception have, want to say without end, particularly fond of primary school ( text phonological learning of Exegesis ), when political science, encounter good hygienist, talk to them about as peers, advised people to learn to read started from sincere hospitality, semantics, go after people loved miss him. He wanted to write the book had not written a poetry collection, several volumes. Yao Nai said: I got to know Mr. Chu, is by Changping Chen Hobbes relationship. At that time, all in their twenties, together passionate on current events, are honed on knowledge, really great ambition, where only a scholars."! Sir and Hobbes, are excellent talent and addicted to drinking. Hobbes midlife for wine pathogenic, cannot be fully displayed his talent. In the famous overseas, bold elegance than Hobbes, and Hobbes and some theory slightly. In his late years, visitors more prosperous, into his door, with his close contacts, so tired. I returned to the south in recent years, heard that Hobbes also aging was seriously ill, and died aged just fifty, deplorable ah! He was in Anhui, Fujian when he was drinking, often lead the guests to compose, play landscape, this point has been to deep. I sometimes went to the mountains and valley, he met Sir of, can be reasoned and know ah.
