
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 10:59:04


Physical Geography:an area of 1001.45 thousand square kilometers.Across Asia,Africa and Asia,the West and Libya is adjacent to the south at the junction with the Sudan,the east and the Red Sea with the Palestinians,the Israeli border,bounded by the Mediterranean.Most of the territory of Egypt is located in northeastern Africa,only the Sinai Peninsula,east of the Suez Canal is located in southwestern Asia.Egypt,about 2900 kilometers of coastline,but it is a typical desert country,96 percent throughout the desert.The world's longest river Nile from north to south runs through 1350 kilometers of Egypt,Egypt is known as the "river of life." Formed long and narrow Nile Valley and into the sea formed the Delta,is the most fertile areas of Egypt.Although this region accounts for only 4% of land area,but the country inhabited by 99% of the population.Brief account of the Suez Canal Europe,Asia,non-hub of three continents,and communication in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean,connecting the Atlantic and Indian Ocean,has an important strategic and economic significance.Major lakes have large hard Sahnoun Tim Lake and Lake,as well as the Aswan High Dam in the formation of Africa's largest artificial lake - Nasser Reservoir (5000 square kilometers).Throughout the dry drier.Nile Delta and the northern coast is a Mediterranean-type climate,in January the average temperature 12 ℃,7 on 26 ℃; the average annual precipitation 50-200 mm.Most of the remaining area has a tropical desert climate,hot and dry,desert temperatures can reach 40 ℃,annual average precipitation less than 30 millimeters.Between April to May each year are often "Pentecostal wind," Entrainment of gravel,so that crops suffer.




、 英国最大的行政区英格兰的面积是?13万平方公里 1.3万平方公里 130万平方公里 2万平方公里 960万平方公里等于多少亩地 22万亩地等于多少平方公里 南极洲的面积有多少万平方公里? 中国领海面积有多少万平方公里? 中国的面积是多少万平方公里 英语翻译我们祖国的面积有960万平方公里Our country is 9600000 square kilometers______ _______ 位于中国南部,临海,面积7400多平方公里,人口1000多万 用英语翻译 中国的海洋面积是?是300万平方公里还是400万平方公里还是500万平方公里? 英语翻译1.中国的面积是多少?2.我国的国土面积是960万平方公里.以上两句 英语翻译. 中国实际测量的领土面积是大于960万平方公里还是小于960万平方公里? 塔吉克斯坦的地理面积有多大?A.14310万平方公里左右 b.1.431万平方公里 c.14万平方公里左右 d.143.1万平D.143.1万平方米 英语翻译面积100.145万平方公里.地跨亚、非两洲,西与利比亚为邻,南与苏丹交界,东临红海并与巴勒斯坦、以色列接壤,北临地中海.埃及大部分领土位于非洲东北部,只有苏伊士运河以东的西奈 流域面积指什么?长江流域面积180万平方公里,是不是中国960万平方公里里有180万是长江? 英语翻译,教教我啊它在太平洋与印度洋之间,它的人口是1800万面积770平方公里 英语翻译 中国的面积大约是960万平方公里China ____ ____ ____ ____ about 9.6 million square kilograms 英语翻译 中国的面积大约是960万平方公里 China ____ ____ ____ ____ over 9,600,000 square kilometers 英语翻译:西安位于关中盆地,夏热多雨,冬季干燥 西安人口约843万人,面积9983平方公里