
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 17:06:49


调休的正确英文说法为:exchanging holiday

Paid leave

take working days off

调休的英文翻译是take working days off 例句 1.The company decided to delay its rest days due to heavy business. 由于最近业务繁忙,公司决定调休 2.I am working without overtime pay, so I can take some days off later.

Adjustment of vacation time.

你好。Given the context "a day off compensated for working at the weekend or in the holiday', please just say :
a compensation day off

给您举个例子,可能会更容易理I am working without overtime pay, so I can take some days off later. 我加班没有加班费,所以我可以在以后调休几天

Paid leave in exchange for overtime

Paid leave granted in lieu of overtime
在上下文清楚的前提下,可直接用paid leave即可。