
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 01:02:35


Franchising as a new and unique mode of operation,has a great market penetration,is more secure than the traditional operation,rapid market expansion strategies and the most important 21st century business model.However,due to the existence of cross-licensing business risk,making a number of international franchise business in the early development of the target market for more expansion by another model - Regular Chain.And familiarity with the target market,will increase the use of franchise mode to achieve the purpose of scale expansion.But whether Direct or franchise,franchise businesses are only two kinds of means to expand the international market,
Construction of target companies in the promotion of franchise system played a unique role in each:the former to raise funds through short-term to promote the rapid expansion of business scale,the latter by increasing the business license system,the actual control over the licensing system to ensure development in accordance with the preset orbit.Franchise and business development strategy as the gradual adjustment of the two alternate ways,complement each other and jointly promote the goal of enterprise development.
This of course there are some limitations,such as comparing the pros and cons between the two operating modes,the more attention to risk prevention franchise on the vulnerable,but did not notice in the selection of suitable franchisee of the situation,Chartered Direct business model compared to the chain model can reduce the operational risks.In this regard,foreign theorists have made certain of this.Martin in his 1988 paper,"Franchising and Risk Management" in the attempt to analyze the risk aversion of such enterprises to adopt franchising business model of motivation.In his article,pointed out that although there is the risk of cross-border franchising,
But if the good of the operation and management mechanism,choose the right franchise franchisee,you can effectively avoid these risks,while Direct chain,but due to limitations of its own adverse business management; in this case We found that franchising is also a product of risk aversion - to avoid Regular Chain mode,all branches of management inaction.
According to regression analysis,we note that enterprises in the use of Direct expand markets,increase the franchise system will control the same way with certain franchises,and with the expansion of enterprise scale,or bought back by the new Direct shop in the entire franchise system,the proportion will increase,while the proportion of franchise stores will gradually decline,but will not completely disappear.Expansion also is in this phase enterprise,franchise because of its short-term absorption of capital,successful business management advantages,will become the main target of international franchise giant market expansion mode.

英语翻译特许经营作为一种新兴而独特的经营方式,具有极大的市场渗透力,是一种较传统经营更为安全、迅速的市场拓展策略和21世纪最主要的商业经营模式.但是,由于跨国特许经营风险的存 英语翻译摘 要特许经营在世界范围内得到快速发展,这一成功的模式也被引人了我国.我国部分特许经营企业多年来发展速度较慢且规模不大,主要原因是特许经营企业核心竞争力缺失.本文通 “特许经营” 英文怎么拼. 英语翻译特许经营已有一百多年的发展历史,它所取得的成功已为世人瞩目.近几年,特许经营在我国也有巨大发展.这一分销方式之所以长盛不衰,有其经营优势.1.特许商利用特许经营实行大规 英语翻译而连锁超市是以连锁经营这一现代化商业经营组织制度为依托的一种新兴的零售业态,它采用了全新的经营理念,从过去的营销活动以“业种”型为中心,即以销售产品为中心,向以满足 经营规模的英语翻译 联合经营的英语翻译 英语翻译随着市场经济的发展,企业面临的竞争日趋激烈,企业的经营环境变得复杂多变,在企业在经营过程中,随时可能受到内外各种不利因素的侵袭,而引发财务危机.企业财务作为企业经营的 急··求~一篇关于机场特许经营或者就特许经营的英文文章最好文章要长,要是带中文翻译的话最好 英语翻译公司的经营理念 英语翻译物业管理收费难的本质原因分析物业管理作为我国的一个新兴行业,经过20多年的发展,在大部分地区开始步入初级阶段,并已经在全国大中城市逐步形成企业化经营、专业化管理和社 英语翻译电子 商务作为一种新的商务模式及 企业 经营方法,对企业扩大经营、提高竞争力、改善供应链、培育新的 经济 增长点等都具有十分重要的作用.针对中小企业电子商务应用现状及存 英语翻译在市场经济条件下,资本是一个企业产生、生存与发展的原动力,企业持续经营与不断拓展必须首先以筹资活动作为先决条件,而筹资活动也是企业经营活动的重要组成部分.我国电信企 英语翻译“特许权合同”是指两个经营单位之间的法律关系.特许经营商(乙方)从特许者处(甲方)购买某成套许可证,并同意执行其原则.前者与后者的经营活动是分别进行的,但前者可以接 求英语翻译:(详见问题补充)“特许权合同”是指两个经营单位之间的法律关系.特许经营商(乙方)从特许者处(甲方)购买某成套许可证,并同意执行其原则.前者与后者的经营活动是分 英语翻译连锁经营是由若干个同类门店,以共同进货,经营同类商品,在同一商业品牌下共享规模效益和经营技术的一种经营模式. 英语翻译【摘 要】财务会计电算化侧重于向企业外部提供财务数据、报表、经营状况和经营成果,而管理会计电算化侧重于向企业内部的经营管理人员提供经营规划、预测、决策等方面的信 英语翻译:经营一家公司