
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 13:58:36


The poster that we are selling is of dimension of 40*60cm,its price is RMB 300.The poster needs to be customized,please pay RMB 100 as the down payment,we will complete the poster and contact you within three days.Please be noted that the poster needs to be picked up by yourself.

The size of the poster that we sell is 40* 60 cm, and its price is 300RMB.
If you make an order, please pay 100RMB in advance and we will finish the work in three days and afterwards we will contact you to come and get it .

The size of the posters sole by us is 40cm × 60cm. The price is 300 RMB/piece. The poster needs to be customized, so please pay 100 RMB as down payment. We will finish the poster and contact you in three days. You need to pick up the posters on you own. Thanks!

The dimenssion of the poster we sell to you is 40*60 centimeter,should make it accoding your size,please pay 100 RMB for cash deposit;we will contact you when we finished the poster in three days,and you should take away by yourself.

The poster size is 40 * 60 cm and the price is RMB300.00 per piece. If you need please prepay RMB 100.00 as a deposit because the item is customizing, we will finish it and contact you within 3 days. Self-pickup service needed. Thanks!

The poster we sold is 40*60cm,and the price is 300 yuan. It needs to be custom-made.Please prepaid 100 yuan as the deposit.We will complete it in three days and then we will call you to get it.

The poster that we are selling is of dimension of 40*60cm, its price is RMB 300. The poster can be customized as you like, please pay RMB 100 in advance, we will complete the manufacture of the poster and contact you within three days. Please be noted that the poster needs to be picked up by yourself.

英语翻译我们出售的海报尺寸为40*60cm,价格为300元,海报需定制,请预付100元作为订金,我们会在3日内完成海报与您联系,海报需自取. 英语翻译英语海报及翻译越快越好求可翻译的海报。 海报的尺寸和分辨率一般设置多少?我正急需做一系列海报~ 我们以低廉的价格出售我们的服装英语翻译 用英语翻译:春节元宵晚会的海报 英语翻译纸箱尺寸我们确认. 我们数学老师给我们出了道题,本人是在学问有限,一 1海报版面设计印刷面积(字的面积)128平方米 上下各2分米 左右各1分米如何确定海报尺寸可使整张纸面积最小?2若海报分为左右两栏中间 高一数学题,帮忙看看,谢谢!设计一张竖直放置的海报,要求版心面积为128dm方,上下两边各空2dm,左右个空1dm.如何设计海报的尺寸,才能使空白面积最小? 英语翻译看一张海报喜欢的项目为某人喝彩你呢胜利结束 英语翻译距离北京奥运会还有17天,一切准备工作都已就绪.由9位设计师,两个设计团队设计的北京奥运会、残奥会官方海报已正式发布,海报的主题为“同一个世界,同一个梦想”,分为主题海报 英语翻译按我们的推算,型号1199的尺寸是27*25,2233的尺寸是87*22.样品我们已经于6月27号寄给你.DHL快递单号为:8888888.请确认.我理解错了.据我们的了解,40HQ货柜的限重为26吨,45HQ货柜的限重为25吨 A3纸多大尺寸?A4呢?海报是用多大的纸》 一件夏装现价252元,(商店海报:本店五周年庆,所有夏装均按原价的60%出售)这件夏装原价多少元? slam lgnnls 在一张羽毛球拍出售海报上面出现的,怎么翻译啊? 英语翻译句子 请给我们下花型比例的尺寸,我们好去制版, 英语翻译比较恰当的翻译,标志或海报使用, 英语翻译尼基塔第二季海报看到的 怎么翻译 求写在海报上的加油词.运动会开运动会,为我们班设计海报,有什么短一点的加油词吗?最好在15字左右的