
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 19:46:40


The original hamburger is minced beef and flour and meat,so that the beef cake.Ancient tartar has eaten raw beef habit,along with the west,first to the Balkans,and then spread to Germany,by the mission change unripe feed for cooked food.Germany Hamburg region will be improved,the chopped beef rubbed in the flour,and spread into a cake fried to eat,take place names and called the" hamburger patty".In 1850,the German government will hamburger cooking skills to the United States of america.1932is the fried beef sandwich topped with sesame buns as staple food or snack,later retrofit,gradually and sandwich confluence,the beef patty on a split into two small bread,so the name hamburger,meaning a hamburger bread.