就是这里有几个问题和回答1.Where is Heidelberg Group(海德堡集团) located?Heidelberg Group is based in Germany.2.How many employees does it have?A total of 19737 employees.3.What products does it supply?Printing equipment(印刷设备)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/25 22:09:16

就是这里有几个问题和回答1.Where is Heidelberg Group(海德堡集团) located?Heidelberg Group is based in Germany.2.How many employees does it have?A total of 19737 employees.3.What products does it supply?Printing equipment(印刷设备)
1.Where is Heidelberg Group(海德堡集团) located?
Heidelberg Group is based in Germany.
2.How many employees does it have?
A total of 19737 employees.
3.What products does it supply?
Printing equipment(印刷设备) and high-quality print products(高品质的印刷产品)
4.What percentage(百分比) of global market(全球市场) share does it have?
Over 40%
5.How many customers does it support around the world?
Supports over 200,000 customers worldwide.

就是这里有几个问题和回答1.Where is Heidelberg Group(海德堡集团) located?Heidelberg Group is based in Germany.2.How many employees does it have?A total of 19737 employees.3.What products does it supply?Printing equipment(印刷设备)
A:Hey,Bill.How are you?
B:Great,and you?
A:Good,good.Man,I haven’t seen you in a long time.What are you up to?
B:I have just started a new job last week.
A:Really?What kind of a job?
B:I am working at the marketing department of Heidelberg Group.
A:Where is that?(Where is Heidelberg Group located?)
B:Heidelberg Group is based in Germany,but I am working at their Shanghai branch.
A:Oh,that’s nice.So it’s a multinational company.What products does it supply?
B:We manufacture printing equipments and high-quality print products.
A:What percentage of global market share does it have?
B:Over 40%.
A:And that translate to how many clients?(How many customers does it support around the world?)
B:We support over 200,000 customers worldwide.
A:Impressive figures,so the company must be rather large.How many employees does it have?
B:A total of 19737 employees.
A:Wow,you sure knows your numbers.How are you liking the big corporate culture so far?
B:I love it.My work is interesting and my colleagues are very nice people.Plus the pay is good.
A:That’s great!
B:So what are you doing?
A:I have opened up my own restaurant last year.It’s called the Dragon Boat.We serve Sichuan food.
B:Oh I love Sichuan food!I must come to visit sometime.
A:Off course.Let me give you our address.
B:Thanks you.
A:Yeah,see you soon.

就是这里有几个问题和回答1.Where is Heidelberg Group(海德堡集团) located?Heidelberg Group is based in Germany.2.How many employees does it have?A total of 19737 employees.3.What products does it supply?Printing equipment(印刷设备) 用who,where,when,what设计几个问题并回答 where did you get to know her?回答-where did you get to know her?-it was on the farm ___we worked.A,that B,where C,which D,where我知道 这里填where ,但是 我觉得填that 有何尝不可啊?他强调就是在那个农场上啊?谁能解释 帮个忙!回答这几个问题!1.( )小( )微 括号中填近义词.2.西游记的改编和总导演. 仿照,.这例句,用where、WhO、When、What设计几个问题并回答 回答这几个问题, 请回答几个问题哈哈哈哈 有哪些和荣华富贵差不多的成语我之所以会在这里问就是因为不满意百度知道中之前的别人回答过的那些答案, 下面有几个问题需要你们回答,1.四面楚歌、指鹿为马、图穷匕现、乐不思蜀、望梅止渴、请君入瓮和桃李不言,下自成蹊这些成语故事分别和谁有关?2.威胁的近义词和现款的近义词.3.卓别林是 你能再回答我几个问题吗?生命就是文天祥的“ ,”的浩然正气 填古诗 我要问几个问题,9月12号前回答才给分 这里先上五分,1.蜗牛的嘴长在什么下面?2.蜗牛有味觉吗?3.建设中的大运村算社区吗?大运之后交给深圳信息学院使用,在附带一个我不确定的:地图上的三 “格格”“福晋”等是什么类的称呼?清代皇族中,经常听到这样的称呼:格格、福晋、老佛爷、阿玛、额娘、阿哥,这里,我有几个问题想请大家回答:1:哪些称呼属于家庭关系称呼?2:哪些称 我提问有几个问题无人回答,你回答就立刻采纳! 请帮忙回答下面几个问题 wherever 和 where 杂用 有啥区别Wherever did you get hold of that idea?你那想法究竟是从哪里来的?为什么这里不用WHere? 关于高一的集合的小问题1.就是说A是B的子集,这里B可以有A当中没有的元素吗?2.如果1的回答是有,那A就是B的真子集,3.真子集和子集有什么不同呢.直接表示子集有暗示是真子集的意思吗?-小弟 帮我用英语回答几个问题1.what are zhe difference between home and house?2.what is you ideal house?(这道题回答的长一点,主要就是说我希望我未来有一个宽敞的房子,最好有一个花园和一大片草坪,整个房 给几个问题和答案!