关于普罗旺斯和薰衣草的英文介绍关于Provence or lavender```关于电影《薰衣草》和电视剧《薰衣草》```谢谢!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 20:57:31

关于普罗旺斯和薰衣草的英文介绍关于Provence or lavender```关于电影《薰衣草》和电视剧《薰衣草》```谢谢!
关于Provence or lavender```关于电影《薰衣草》和电视剧《薰衣草》```谢谢!

关于普罗旺斯和薰衣草的英文介绍关于Provence or lavender```关于电影《薰衣草》和电视剧《薰衣草》```谢谢!
Provence is a former Roman province and is now a region of southeastern France,located on the Mediterranean Sea adjacent to France's border with Italy.It is now part of the administrative région of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.The traditional region of Provence encompasses the départements of Var,Vaucluse,and Bouches-du-Rhône in addition to parts of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Alpes-Maritimes.
Provence has been inhabited since prehistoric times.It was known in ancient times as part of Narbonensis,inhabited by Ligurians and later Celts.The coastal strip was settled by Greeks and Phoenicians from around 600 BC onwards,with Marseille becoming one of the great trading cities of the Mediterranean.It was progressively settled by the Romans from the 2nd century BC,eventually becoming a province of the Roman Empire.This gave it its name,from the Latin provincia,as Provence was one of the first and most Romanized provinces of the Roman Empire.Christianity arrived in Provence very early and the region was already extensively Christianised by the 3rd century AD,with numerous monasteries and churches being constructed.Provence fared badly in the aftermath of the fall of the Roman Empire,suffering repeated invasions:Visigoths in the 5th century,Franks in the 6th century and Arabs in the 8th century,as well as repeated raids by Berber pirates and slavers.
From 1032 to 1246 the county was part of the Holy Roman Empire.It became a fief of the French Crown from 1246,under the rule of the Angevin dynasty.Upon the death of Charles du Maine in 1481,Provence was inherited by Louis XI.It was definitively incorporated into the French royal domain in 1486.Significant enclaves existed within Provence for many years afterwards:Orange remained under the control of the House of Orange-Nassau until 1672; the Comtat Venaissin,centred on Avignon,was under Papal rule until 1791; and Nice and Menton were not added to Provence until as late as 1860.
The now-extinct title of Count of Provence belonged to local families of Frankish origin,to the House of Barcelona,to the House of Anjou and to a cadet branch of the House of Valois.
The lavenders Lavandula are a genus of about 25-30 species of flowering plants in the mint family,Lamiaceae,native from the Mediterranean region south to tropical Africa and east to India.The genus includes annuals,herbaceous plants,subshrubs,and small shrubs.The native range extends across the Canary Islands,North and East Africa,south Europe and the Mediterranean,Arabia,and India.Because the cultivated forms are planted in gardens world-wide,they are occasionally found growing wild,as garden escapees,well beyond their natural range.

关于普罗旺斯和薰衣草的英文介绍关于Provence or lavender```关于电影《薰衣草》和电视剧《薰衣草》```谢谢! 关于普罗旺斯的英文介绍? 普罗旺斯的薰衣草英语怎么说 求:普罗旺斯的英文介绍介绍中请包括旅行,美食,该地的特色比如薰衣草之类的东西. 普罗旺斯 英文介绍从几点来介绍 2.气候3.名字有何意义,代表什么4.这4点简略点就行5.薰衣草 普罗旺斯以薰衣草闻名,还有百里香 那介绍下浪漫普罗旺斯6.得名于影片《屋顶上的轻骑兵》的 骑 幸福就像普罗旺斯的薰衣草,只开一季英文翻译 关于普罗旺斯古堡的介绍或者是文章诗歌 跪求一篇介绍普罗旺斯的英文文章 关于薰衣草的几个传说 英文的 介绍法国各地区的书找一本书,写法国各个地区的风土人情、地理环境、人文景观、著名景点的.比如说巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔、普罗旺斯的薰衣草花田. 普罗旺斯的天空是什么样子的呢?提示: 薰衣草 求 法国 普罗旺斯 薰衣草庄园 准确纬度 北京有几个薰衣草庄园 普罗旺斯薰衣草庄园又在哪,怎么去? 一篇和与薰衣草有关的梦想的作文我有个梦想是以后去普罗旺斯——薰衣草之乡.以这个写篇梦想的作文.或者环游世界的梦想也行. 用英文介绍埃菲尔铁塔或普罗旺斯, 有关普罗旺斯的英文简介 法国巴黎普罗旺斯 的英文怎么说 有没有像普罗斯旺一样的地方?比如普罗斯旺是薰衣草的故乡,那还有什么花的故乡?