
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 21:26:13


1. There is a skeleton in every house.
2. The family is one of nature's masterpieces.
3. Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.
4. Home is the place where, when you have to go there, it has to take you in.
5. We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves.
6. All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
7. If you want your children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.
  This drawing depicts a typical “little emperor” of a contemporary Chinese family. The fat son sinks comfortably into a soft sofa watching TV, while his father and mother, who are strikingly thinner, are feeding him watermelon and cutting his nails. No doubt, the boy is very spoiled being the center.
   Unfortunately, children who are brought up in such an environment may suffer hardships later. Because their life is always pampered, there is a great possibility that they would be unable to deal with any frustration or failure. Most of the children who are extremely pampered are arrogant and complacent, without the awareness of showing respect to others. This attitude can arouse others’ disfavor toward them. Furthermore, these children may find difficulty in sustaining themselves once detached from their families.
   What I want to emphasize by the above analysis is that, though it is good to see much of parents’ attention is focused on children, it is more important to help children learn how to survive and how to be good citizens. They are ensured not only of a bright future but also a sound intellectual and mental foundation, and hence a healthy life.
   contemporary: adj. 当代的,同时代的
   sink: v. 沉下,使下沉
   hardship: n. 困境,困难
   fatal: adj. 致命的
   arrogant: adj. 傲慢的,自大的
   complacent: adj. 自满的,得意的
   disfavor: n. 不悦,厌恶
   be detached from: 使离开,使脱离
   This drawing depicts a typical…
   No doubt…
   What I want to emphasize by the above analysis is
  The cartoon displays a very special and thought-provoking soccer game: the four goals are kept by an old man’s three sons and one daughter, while the old man himself becomes the ball, being kicked among the four corners by his “beloved” children. It is clearly indicated that none of them is willing to spare a tiny portion of time and money to repay their old father who have raised them.
   Through the artistic presentation, we can be easily reminded of a popular phenomenon in today’s society, that is, disrespect towards elders and shirking of the responsibility of nursing aging parents. The boosting economic development in China sadly witnesses a deterioration of the public awareness of filial duty, which had taken an indispensable position in traditional Chinese values for thousands of years. However, as the society grows more benefit-oriented, the once unbroken bond between parents and children is fundamentally shaken and begins to collapse.
   In my point of view, the trend goes quite against the genuine and original purpose of our pursuit of wealth and welfare, that is, to shape a rich life both materially and mentally. Thinking of the love we received from our parents when swaggering babies, we must realize that repaying parents by a happy life with financial and psychological support is not only a duty that should not be shrugged off, but a key element to achieve a harmonious society.
   thought-provoking: adj. 发人深思的
   beloved: adj. 所爱的,心爱的
   disrespect: n. 不尊敬,不尊重
   shirk: v. 逃避,推却
   nurse: v. 护理,照看
   deterioration: n. 变坏,退化,堕落
   filial: adj. 子女的,当作子女的
   indispensable: adj. 不可缺少的,必要的
   benefit-oriented: adj. 追求利益的
   bond: n. 关系,联系
   collapse: v. 倒塌,崩溃,失败
   swaggering: adj. 蹒跚学步的
   shrug off: v. 逃避,推脱
   The cartoon displays a very special and thought-provoking…
   Through the artistic presentation, we can be easily reminded of…
   In my point of view, the trend goes quite against the genuine and original purpose of…
  This is a very thought-provoking picture. A young couple is marrying and they hold a decent wedding ceremony. While they are happily smiling for this important event, their parents, in contrast, sink into a difficult financial situation because the huge expense for the marriage which imposes heavy loads on them.
   We can deduce that the artist is purposefully reminding us of a rather negative trend emerging in today’s society. That is to say, it is becoming a fashion for bridegrooms and brides to celebrate marriage in a very luxurious manner. Admittedly, marriage symbolizes a milestone in one’s life and should be given extreme emphasis. But importance should not be necessarily expressed by how much money is spent. In fact, a grand wedding has more negative effects. For one thing, the newlyweds usually cannot afford marriage expense, and transfer the load to parents. For another, new couples might be misled thinking that they can always rely on parents instead of being self-sufficient
   I strongly contend that young people should not establish their own happiness on the basis of parents’ hardship. I think a simple wedding ceremony conveys true delight and significance. Thus the whole society should endeavor to promote a new fashion of simple weddings.
   impose: v. 强加
   milestone: n. 里程碑
   newlywed: n. 新婚者
   transfer: v. 转移
   mislead: v. 误导
   convey: v. 传达
   delight: n. 快乐,喜悦
   This is a very thought-provoking picture.
   We can deduce that the artist is purposefully reminding us…
   I strongly contend that…
The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene. A student is throwing money into a pool while enthusiastically encouraging his parents to work harder. But he seems blind of how diligently his parents are striving to supply him with living expenses. The artist purposefully exaggerates the student’s body to emphasize his prodigality, while dwarfing his parents to indicate their hardship.
   We can deduce from the picture that its aim is to criticize the spreading extravagant behavior among students, especially college students. Many students become increasingly obsessed with leading a high-quality life. To make it worse, they become proud of boasting wealth and compare their financial status with each other. Because of their inexperienced knowledge about life, they fail to comprehend that money is never easily earned, nor should it be carelessly spent. Thus, I would say that such a behavior implies disrespect towards parents.
   This ingrate attitude and the unhealthy consumption negatively impact. In my opinion, it is the society’s responsibility to cultivate children with an independent outlook of life by various means. It is important for them to understand that a good life is created by oneself, not by others.
   pool: 池塘
   enthusiastic: adj. 热切的
   exaggerate: v. 夸张
   dwarf: v. 缩小,使变矮小
   high-quality: adj. 高质量的
   boast: v. 炫耀
   The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene.
   The artist purposefully…
   We can deduce from the picture that its aim is to criticize…
   Thus, I would say that…


               My home
This is my home.I like it very much.My home have five room.There are two bedroom,a livingroom,a kicthen and a bathroom.Two bedrooms each with a bed.The liv...


               My home
This is my home.I like it very much.My home have five room.There are two bedroom,a livingroom,a kicthen and a bathroom.Two bedrooms each with a bed.The living room has a TV and a armchair.The kitchen there is a cooker.The bathroom has a basin.Are very beautiful.So I like it.
