
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 03:20:46


where do we go from here ?我们该何去何从?
this isn't where we intended 2 be.这里不是我们预定要去的地方.
we had it all.我俩曾拥有一切.
u believed in me.你信任我.
i believed in u.我信任你
certainties disappear.但所有确定的事都消失了.
what do we do 4 our dream 2 survive ?我们该怎么做才能让梦想继续?
how do we keep all our passions alive ?要怎样才能保持我们的热情?
as we used 2 do.就像从前那样.
deep in my heart i'm concealing.我一直隐藏在内心深处.
things that i'm longing 2 say.那些想说的话.
scared 2 confess what i'm feeling.不敢流露出自己的情感.
frightened u'll slip away.害怕你会离去.
u must love me !你定会爱上了我!
http: lrc.bzmtv.com
u must love me-madonna 你定会爱上了我(麦当娜)[贝买人]
why are u at my side ?你为何在我身边?
how can i be any use 2 u now ?我现在能为你做什么?
give me a chance i'll let u see how.给我一个机会,我就能让你明白.
nothing has changed.一切都没有改变.