
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/23 06:32:57


给您一份正确的翻译:1、申请人现在不在工作中,本年度的收入主要来源于在本地大型综合商场的临时促销,根据当地法律,这样的促销活动可以不单独申领营业执照,因此无法提供营业执照、税务登记等相关信息.The applicant is currently unemployed.This year’s income is mainly from temporary promotion sales in local departmental stores.According to local laws,this kind of promotion activities does not need to apply for business license; therefore information such as business license,tax registration are not available.2、我们一直没有使用信用卡的习惯,通常是付现金或者使用借记卡,也从未有过贷款.不过,考虑到此次西班牙度假可能会用到信用卡,我们专门以XXX的名字申请了中国银行的VISA和MASTER卡,信用额度均为20000元人民币(复印件已附),只是尚无信用记录.We have never been accustomed to using credit cards,we normally pay by cash or saving-account cards,and we have never applied for loans before.However,we feel that we may require the use of credit cards for this trip to Spain; so we had successfully obtained a Visa card and a Master card from Bank of China with the name of xxx.The credit limit for both cards is RMB 20,000.00 (please refer to attached copies),but there is no credit record yet.

The Applicant doesn't currently have a regular job. The main source of income this year is heavily relying on being Temporary Sales Promoter at local shopping mall. Under local law, the individual lic...


The Applicant doesn't currently have a regular job. The main source of income this year is heavily relying on being Temporary Sales Promoter at local shopping mall. Under local law, the individual licence for this kind of business activity is not neccessary. Therefore, the Business Licence and Tax Registration, as well as other related documentations are not able to be provided at this time.
1 在老外眼里,没工作和临时促销是矛盾的,你的本意也是没有正式工作。 因此翻译时我作了点改动。
2. “本年度的收入主要来源于在本地大型综合商场的临时促销” 这句话有欠通顺。 因此翻译的时候,也作了调整。



This applicant is currently unemployed, and the yearly earnings mostly come from part-time sales in local lar...


This applicant is currently unemployed, and the yearly earnings mostly come from part-time sales in local large-scale shopping malls. According to the the local law, this kind of part-time sales is exempt from taxation, and there is no need to acquire a formal business license. Thus we are unable to provide any business licenses or information regarding tax records and the likes.
We don't have the habit of using credit cards. Usually we use cash or debit, and we never take loans. However, considering that the vacation in Spain might require the use of credit cards, we have already applied for Bank of china's Visa and Mastercard, under XXX's name. The credit line is set at 20,000 RBM (photocopies attached), and we're just lacking in credit histroy.
~ ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、


求英文翻译,签证相关.谢谢1、申请人现在不在工作中,本年度的收入主要来源于在本地大型综合商场的临时促销,根据当地法律,这样的促销活动可以不单独申领营业执照,因此无法提供营 请给我介绍下英国签证相关情况,谢谢. 当然,现在也一样.求英文翻译~~如题,谢谢大神~~ 美国签证官会问K类签证申请人一些什么问题,用英语提问还是用中文提问, 求PID相关英文翻译和中文 求地道的英文翻译~~ 急!各位英语达人帮帮忙! 谢谢啦! 在线等.自由的出入境管理:持香港特区护照可免签证进入全球134个国家和地区,其中包括英国、加拿大、意大利、法国等欧美发达国家, 长春市经济技术开发区丙九路银湖柳苑13栋3门601室 英文翻译 签证着急用 谢谢 珍惜时间,把握现在 英文翻译谢谢了, 求英文翻译谢谢.我现在非常左右为难,不知道该支持他俩谁. 美国领事馆的签证官在面对申请人提出问题用的是英语还是中文?申请商务旅游等非移民签证呢? 英语翻译亲爱的签证官,您好,首先感谢您的来件及为申请人XXX,XXX签发的有效签证.但两位申请人所提交的申请是永久居民亲属的五年多次签证,请问您什么原因导致两位申请人并未获得五年多 美国驻华大使馆签证地址签证处现在的地址 关于加拿大我和男友有计划要技术移民加拿大,他是主申请人他32岁,留学法国后在巴黎工作4年,后因欧洲国家工作签证不好办,后放弃回国,英语法语交流无问题.现在因为我想移民去加拿大,对小 急求遗传算法相关的英文翻译和原文啊 求英文翻译,谢谢!1.负责有关机械产品开发的总体计划制定2.与相关部门共同负责机械产品的鉴定和国产化工作 求翻译生物相关英文翻译,只要材料与方法部分,三篇.发到邮箱sunbing.good2008@163.com,谢谢.篇幅稍短 车辆保养英文翻译急求:“车辆保养”的英文翻译,谢谢! 英语翻译现在要办理英国签证,在准备资料,在英文翻译件上要注明这句话,这句话用英文应该怎么讲?