
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 11:12:30


曹冲称象(As Cao Chong said)
Cao Chong Long to five or six years old, know-how and ability to judge had been met, can be comparable to adults (such as an adult). On one occasion, Sun Quan sent as a giant, Cao Cao, as it would like to know the weight of its inquiry, we can not say like that. Cao Chong said: "Like Great on the board, the water reached the local GI mark, allow the ship loaded with other things (when the water reached the mark time), saying these things, then the comparison (East and West, the total Quality almost equal to the quality of the elephant) will be able to know. "After listening to Cao Cao very pleased, as soon as the means to do.

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