
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 02:28:07


-I’m not insane,my mother had me tested.
-Once again,you’ve fallen for one of my classic pranks.Bazinga!
-I’m clealy too evolved for driving.(S2E5)
-Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken.(To Penny S2E7)
-When you understand the laws of physics,penny,anything is possible.
(To Penny S2E7)
-I suggest rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spork.
-I brought this on myself by being such an endearing ad important part
of your life.(To Penny S2E11)
She calls me moon pie because I’m nummy-nummy and she could just eat
me up.( To Penny S2E17)
I’m a physicist.I have a working knowledge of the entire universe
and everything it contains. (To Penny)
-I realize you’re also on your own tonight,so if ,at some point, you
find yourself with nothing to do,please do not disturb me. (To Penny
- I realize you're currently at the mercy of your primitive biological
urges, but as you have an enti life time of poor decisions ahead of
you, may I interrupt this one?(to penny S3E1)
-You know,I can buy all these things online. I come here for the
personal service.(to
Stuart S03E05)
-Leonard,when that woman moved in three years ago,I told you not to
talk to her, and now look,we're going to be late for the movies.(to
Leonard S03E07)
- Oh,you think you're so clever. Well,let me jus tell you, while I do
not currently have a scathing retort, you check your e-mail
periodically for a doozy.(to Kripke)
I'm the master of my bladder.
-AFK (away from keyboard)

holy crap.很常出现

KMN=kill me now

生活大爆炸里面的一些地道口语 我很喜欢看《生活大爆炸》,每次看都笑得不行,决心要学英语,首先是口语,请问哪里学口语地道点? 求 生活大爆炸 第一季第一集口语摘录5句!要求 准确,地道,且出自美剧 生活大爆炸第一季第一集. 多大点事啊 英语 翻译怎么说啊 要最地道的说法 貌似在生活大爆炸里面看到过 就是忘了 生活大爆炸剧本 我要学口语 生活大爆炸的英文 生活大爆炸里面sheldon讲甄嬛传是哪一集? 怎么样学到地道的英语口语呢?我是英语爱好者,水平还不错,过了六级,问题是我的口语比较差,就是不会地道的英美生活口语,美剧我也看了一些,进步不大.有什么高效的方法吗? 我想知道生活大爆炸里面的夸张句子引起的幽默话语 rebound sex.生活大爆炸里面出现的中文字幕是 复健性爱, 美剧适合练习听力和口语生活大爆炸好难啊,friends又有点简单,有没有类似的喜剧 英语翻译用比较地道的口语说 “不用害怕”的英文地道口语表达 练美语口语看什么电影好电影或者美剧,发音纯正,日常交流的词汇多、口语多的,像生活大爆炸那种就不要了. 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大爆炸 生活大 地道的口语,用英语怎么说?他的口语很地道.这句话用英语怎么说? 锻炼英语口语的方法?本人今年高一,口语能力还不错,但还想再提高一些,地道一些,有什么好的方法吗?一些地道的表达,用法和交际怎么去锻炼. 关于生活大爆炸的谢尔顿.谢尔顿的天敌是他的妈妈吧,他妈妈哪期出现在大爆炸里了阿?是第7集么?谢尔顿的姐姐有没有出现在大爆炸里面呢?