说明:1、 期末口语考试我们选了10个 情景话题,新时代交互英语课本每个单元一个.每个话题后括号里表明该话题的出处.2、 题目均为配对对话.请同学们找好对口语伙伴,积极复习、练习每个

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 04:57:48

说明:1、 期末口语考试我们选了10个 情景话题,新时代交互英语课本每个单元一个.每个话题后括号里表明该话题的出处.2、 题目均为配对对话.请同学们找好对口语伙伴,积极复习、练习每个
1、 期末口语考试我们选了10个 情景话题,新时代交互英语课本每个单元一个.每个话题后括号里表明该话题的出处.
2、 题目均为配对对话.请同学们找好对口语伙伴,积极复习、练习每个题目.
3、 考试时先抽取题目号码.每组交谈时间(2人)安排3-5分钟,具体由考官决定.
1.Talk about the weekend plans.Suggest activities and times to meet.Accept or decline other students’ invitations.(P9)
2.Talk about some latest news or gossip with your partner.Try to make some response to show your feeling.(P 21)
3.Go to graduate school or get a job?
4.Interview a famous person you are interested in.
5.You meet with your high school classmate unexpectedly.You confirm each other’s name and talk about the happy time at high school.(P43)
6.You plan to go hiking this weekend.You are really looking forward to it since you haven’t had a day off from work for a long time.But your roommate asks to use your car for the date with his/her girl/boy friend.Refuse the request.(P53)
7.Your portable computer is missing.Discuss with your partner.(the thief,how,the problems,etc.)(P63)
8.Your classmate lost your newly-bought bike.He/she felt deeply sorry for it,but had no money to buy a new one for you.(P82)
9.Compare the Spring Festival with Thanksgiving or Christmas.Differences and similarities.
10.How to deal with the stress?
只要编写最后的5个题目就行了 谁来帮下忙

说明:1、 期末口语考试我们选了10个 情景话题,新时代交互英语课本每个单元一个.每个话题后括号里表明该话题的出处.2、 题目均为配对对话.请同学们找好对口语伙伴,积极复习、练习每个
Tom : hi, Amy. you always look like happy. But as a senior student, i guess you must also meet some difficulties and pressure. how do you deal with the stree ?
Amy: oh, you are right, Tom. of course i also will have pressure sometimes. But i think to keep a good attitude is the most important thing. so i always adjust myself to fit in the situation as soon as i can. when i feel the stress, i usually do some things that i interest, such as listening music, watching films and reading some novels. thus, i can forget my stress at the moment while i relax myself. besides, after having a little rest, i can calm down and face the difficulties and have a good idea to solve these problem. it's very useful for me to give out my stress. you can have a try.

说明:1、 期末口语考试我们选了10个 情景话题,新时代交互英语课本每个单元一个.每个话题后括号里表明该话题的出处.2、 题目均为配对对话.请同学们找好对口语伙伴,积极复习、练习每个 英语翻译过两日我们期末口语考试,跟舍友选了这个对话.1 可乐、汽水、糖果、薯条、薯片、汉堡包等所谓的“垃圾食品”容易造成青少年儿童的超重甚至是肥胖症.2 这些食品热量非常高,大 关于“study abroad”的口语三人对话我们是口语考试,麻烦给个直接的对话 四六级现在有口语了?口语考试 造成森林火灾的原因有哪些?我们有个口语考试 需要用英语回答 大概几条就行了 如果还有防止发生的原因就更好叻.注意用英文回答. 跪求浙江温州瓦市小学2011小学六年级上册期末考试卷题目,我们要考试了,求求你们了,就明天. (福州市2010—2011学年第一学期期末高三质量检查)的拜托了~我们还没开始考试.这几天就要考试了~试卷就是这个. 哪位大神可以帮我写几个英语口试的话题 一个需要两分钟的时间 是期末口语考试的题目 因为下周三英语口语考试 老师需要口语测试 给了下面四个口试话题 不是对话的形式 是话题的形式 请高手帮我改一篇有趣的英语对话我们期末口语考试,我和同学做一个对话,我们自己写的稿子,但我们英语水平不好,写的不好,所以想请高手帮我们修改一下,大意不变,把里面的一些不通顺的句 Chinese and English which is more useful inthe world?外教口语要讲一分钟1月2号就考试了 大庆的冬天是个非常寒冷的地方.改病句快点,我们要考试.急.大哥哥姐姐,求求了,开动你们脑筋啊好的加10--30分啊,1小时内关闭 请高手帮忙制定一份雅思自学计划,1个月时间要到7分.已经考过两次雅思了,都是6分.第一次听力5.5 阅读6 口语6 作文5.5 最近一次考试是听力 5.5 阅读7.5 口语6 作文5.想在短时间内提高听力和作 谁能帮我写下面得英语对话,13个主题,每个主题A和B个9句话左右.(大一期末口语考试,不要写太难)谢谢!Create a dialogue with your partner according to the given situation:1.A has two tickets for a car exhibition and BEC口语考试出了这种状况对成绩有很大影响吗在第二部分presentation的时候,本人讲完后,语伴提错了问题,然后就将错就错地回答了下(我们两个人每人一张试卷,卷子上有三个话题各选一个,问 我们马上就考试了(期末) 这几天急着复习 谁能帮我找一下这些复习总结 我感激不尽啊 记住是九年义务教育版的 谢 一门一行 关于人生英语作文的(大一的)我们要考试!急!题目:“我的人生”大一期末英语作文,题意:通过不断的挑战自己实现人生的目标!跪谢了!各位! 2013七年级上册数学期末考试卷及答案跪求啊~明天要考试了! 人教版八年级上册物理期末考试卷及答案 马上考试了