99:in american higher education--在句中什么成份?99:we discuss academic titles in american higher education.in american higher education--在句中什么成份?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 20:12:04

99:in american higher education--在句中什么成份?99:we discuss academic titles in american higher education.in american higher education--在句中什么成份?
99:in american higher education--在句中什么成份?
99:we discuss academic titles in american higher education.in american higher education--在句中什么成份?

99:in american higher education--在句中什么成份?99:we discuss academic titles in american higher education.in american higher education--在句中什么成份?
we discuss academic titles in american higher education
in american higher education:美国高等教育中的
介宾结构,做定语,修饰的是前文的TITLES ,而不是整个句子.
  由于名词定语现象日益普遍,人们在使用这类定语时的限制越来越小.因此便出现了重叠式名词定语,而且得到了语法家的认可;由两个或两个以上的名词作定语叫复杂名词定语 ( complex attributive noun) .复杂名词定语相当于作定语的介词短语,因为“在大多数情况下,名词定语相当于后置修饰的介词短语” (Quirk et al 1985:1330) .下面名词短语中的名词定语相当于后置修饰的介词短语;例如:the foreign languages department → the department of foreign language ( 外语系 ) ,water pollution situation → the situation in water pollution( 水污染的局面 ) .
