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英语论文 :On improving students’ speaking ability[1]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 06:18:04 英语论文
英语论文 :On improving students’ speaking ability[1]英语论文
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AbstractWith the opening-up of China, English teaching has been getting more and more attention, especially since Beijing won the bid to hold the 2008 Olympic Games. People are enthusiastic about learning English .As a result, English teaching and reform are coming to a turning point, which predicts a bright future in English education in China.Now, a 9-year voluntary education program is put forward in China. A Standard English course is being used to replace the former teaching outline. The new standard adopts the international system according to which English language education is divided into 9 levels. This has changed the old style of teaching, which attaches importance to grammar and vocabulary. Adopting the new standard helps to develop the students’ ability to use English in their daily life, by focusing on arousing their interest, and encouraging their participation.The new method will place less stress on “reading and writing”, in favor of “listening” and “speaking”. So now, speaking is getting more and more important in middle school English teaching. This paper discuss how to improve students’ speaking ability and expound the theme through three aspects as follows:⒈The importance of speaking.⒉Some barriers in the process of speaking communication.⒊Essential methods for improving students’ speaking ability.The issue will be discussed from the perspective of a teacher of English in junior middle school and a possible conclusion will be reached with the help of some theoretical and practical support.

Key words: speaking、communication、ability、middle school、English teaching.

摘要:随着改革开放深入,英语教学越来越引起人们的重视,尤其北京成功深奥。人们都热中于英语学习。所以英语教改进入一个转折点,面临着美好的未来。现在,在九年制义务教育中,标准英语课程以取代以前的教学模式。根据英语语言教育分成九个等级,新课标采用了国际体制,改变了旧的方法。新的教学方式通过引起学生的兴趣,鼓励他们参与去培养学生日常生活中运用英语的能力。新的方法重在听力和口语,因此现在口语在中学英语教学中越来越重要。本文主要讨论如何提高学生的口语能力,从下面三个大的方面阐述:1. 说的重要性。2. 口语交流过程中的一些障碍。3. 提高口语能力的基本方法。本文从初中英语教师的观点,并且从理论和实际结合中得出结论。

关键词:口语 交流 能力 中学 英语教学

1. IntroductionEngli【1】【2】 【3】 【4】 【5】 【6】 【7】 【8】 【9】 【10】 【11】 【12】 【13】 【14】 【15】 【16】 【17】 下一页 相关内容推荐

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