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英语论文 :The Creation of English Language Circumstanc[1]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/22 11:55:04 英语论文
英语论文 :The Creation of English Language Circumstanc[1]英语论文
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ABSTRACTCircumstance is very important in influencing people’s life and personality. And also, it is important in learning language. As a compulsory course for junior and primary students in China, English is becoming more and more important. But the problem is how to learn English efficiently. Learners at home usually have little time to listen to or speak English. Except that they can speak English in their English classes for 40 or 45 minutes only, they have no chance to speak English, no chance to listen to English, even no chance to feel the existence of English. So, as teachers, the most impotent thing to do is to solve the problem, by creating a language circumstance, stimulating their initiative in learning English. The paper will try to describe about how to create a circumstance for English learners at home. There are many ways, for example, creating the classroom circumstance, which including setting the scene for the students, giving them more chance to speak and listen , in order to improve the ability of listening and speaking. And also we can use English corner, English broadcast or letting them listen to English songs, watching e movies and so on.

Key words: English Language Circumstance create interest Class circumstance English corner English movie

摘 要环境对影响人的个性和生活非常重要,同样对学习语言也很重要。在中国,作为中小学的一门必修课,英语已显得越来越重要。所以我们很关注怎样才能有效地学好英语。国内的学习者通常很少有机会听或者说英语。除了课堂上短短的 40 或 45 分钟之外,他们几乎没有机会接触英语了。所以作为英语老师,我们的首要任务就是为学生创设一个英语语言环境,激发他们学习英语的兴趣。笔者将在本文中论述如何创设一个良好的英语语言环境。创设英语语言环境的方法很多,比如说创设课堂环境,其中包括创设对话情境,让学生多说多听,以提高他们的口语和听力能力。同样,我们还可以通过英语角、英语广播、听英文歌曲、看英语原声电影以及开展各类英语竞赛,如书法、手抄报、讲故事、演讲及英语小短剧表演比赛等等。我们以此来营造一个良好的语言环境,以供我们的学生学习,在一个轻松、愉快的环境下学习,效果远胜于死读书,远胜于没有这样的环境。

关键词:英语语言环境 课堂环境 兴趣 英语原声电影 英语角 创设

1. IntroductionAs a compulsory course for junior and primary students in China, English is becoming more and more important. Some people say that English is one of the three keys of 21st c英语论文