
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:36:07
天人合一与天人合一(寻宝网可交易)的问题我想问下如果是天人合一(寻宝网可交易)的装备能不能用2YB的天人合一符变成天人合一的装备我现在就一个天人合一(寻宝可交易)的装备 英语翻译十万火急 英语翻译一句,很快采纳---赶路中巧遇美丽的大自然奥秘 英语翻译3,3-Dimethylbutyraldehyde is synthesized from the reactionof 1-chloro-3,3-dimethylbutane with DMSO in presence of abase and substoichiometric amounts of MX.因为实在不理解substoichiometric amounts of,所以求专业的翻译,另外 用所给单词的适当形式填空.Mary can---(draw) very well.Look ,she---(draw) a cat. 关于矛盾的 一批珍贵的花瓶在炉中烘烤,一座家神蜡像被人不经意地放在炉旁,开始熔化.它使劲抱怨炉火:“瞧,你待我多么无情!你使这些东西被加固,却让我熔化”.炉火答道:“这只怨你自 she is good-looking,well-spoken,and very obedidnt. 英语翻译如题 政治题:你认为中国增强的原因有哪些? She ____ ill last night,and l took her to the hospital at once.(fall) she falls ill.fall的第三人称是什么? 英语翻译求意思, 英文求辨认 请英文歌高手鉴别一下这首歌叫什么名?求视频的英文歌的名字! 求辨认一首英文歌.这首歌是个Man唱的,其中有句常出现的歌词好像是:woooon…when we were yong.(噢……当我们还是年少轻狂的时候.) It was a long time before people began to use written language.是很久以前?还是过了很久之后才? after the accident ,it was a long time before she__ walk again.这个题目选什么呢?After the accident ,it was a long time before she ___ walk again.A.could be able to B.can c.were able to d.was able to (1)三个故事情节分别说明了什么?(2)上述故事情节告诉我们一个什么道理?情节一:一天,小牛顿带了一架自制的小风车到学校,同学们都围过来,啧啧赞叹“风车好漂亮”,小牛顿感到心里 初二政治问题,说明理由下列属于公民合法权益的是 ( ) ①受教育 ②纳税 ③劳动 ④选举权和被选举权 ⑤服兵役 A.①②③④⑤ B.①②③ C.①③④ D.②③④ 请你根据上面的论述对以下两种观点加以辨析,并说明理由.观点一:人民民主专政的国家同...请你根据上面的论述对以下两种观点加以辨析,并说明理由.观点一:人民民主专政的国家同其它类 Yes,my teacher goes to work by bike的问句是什么?Yes,my teacher goes to work by bike.的问句是什么?How does Tom go home?的答句是什么? 我要找床和书桌书橱连在一起的有没有 My mother goes to work at 8:30.的问句是什么? We All Fall In Love Sometimes I had a good time chatting with Sally.I had a good time (in)chatting with Sally.为什么说这里有个IN 就要在CHAT后加ING?什么情况下要加INGI had a good time (in)chatting with Sally.你说这里加ING情况是应为:介词后 那么请 They are having a good time chatting with each other.改为同义句 用英语不同的方式描述时间2:00 2. 12:40 3. 12:25 4. 4:30 5. 3:15 6. 8:50 至少用两种方式描述此八个时间 提出“天人交胜”观点的人是? Lin lin often practices English____chatting with her American Friend.A.in B.by C.for D.with She often ______(go) ______(boat) with her friends.加什么? Lin lin often practices English____chatting with her American Friend空能填through吗 LinLin often pratices English __chatting with her American friend..[横线处填by,为什么不能填for或in,它们填进去都可以啊,