
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:05:14
y=x²怎样平移得到y=x²+2x+8 英语单选题(请详细解释)1.Uncle Wang is going to Beijing.He is packing his suitcase____clothes.A.on B.with C.of D.in 2.----Can I help you?----I want____,please.A.two socks B.two pair of socks.C.two pairs of socks D.two pairs of sock3.____ 孤寂的反义词是什么? 2道英语单选题,要求正确答案和详细的解说1、He gets a good salary.His salary is very _______. A. good B. well C. fine D.beatiful2、His boat, ____________ is Topsail(一条船的名字),is famous. A.whose the name 反义词:孤寂( ) 沉寂( ) 英语单选题(请具体说明)1.Would you like to come to our house_____supper?A.at B.for C.with D.from2.Everyone in the room____quiet.A.is B.are C.were D.stand3.They____eat apples at all.A.always B.usually C.sometimes D.never4.How is the weath 孤单的反义词是什么 孤单的反义词试什么 若不等式f(x)-g(x)≥a的二次-3a的解集为R,求实数a的取值范围 问两道英语单选题It is better to drive your car at a stendy--------than to stop and start a lot.path race rete wheelUnexpectedly,she was even ---------the right to attend the meeting.dismissed denied declined disrupted 形容植物的成语和句子咋没句子呢 1,Great changes ______in our school in the past 10 years.A`took place B`were take place C`have taken place D`have been taken place C,D怎么看啊2,patience is a kind of quality and that's ________it takes to do anything well.A`what B`taht C`which D` 1.What's her number?___.I have it here somewhere.A.Let's have a look B.I see C.Let me see D.I beg your pardon2.May I speak to Professor Black,please?Sorry ,but he is busy____an experiment in the lab right now.A.conducting B.working C.acting D.researc ..50分1._______,he sat up late preparing the opening speech for Auto Shanghai 2007.A.as he was tired B.tired though was he C.tired as he was D.it is because he was tired 2.his interest is flying.when studying at Yale University,he _____ set up the Y 问,两道相似的英语单选题Energy,passion and a burning desire are,you see,____ true learning takes.A.that B.what C.how D.which 选B____ different life today is ___ what it was 20 years ago! A,How;from B.what a ;from C.what;f win7中的32位和64位,这两个系统有什麼不同其中32位是什麼,64又表示什麼.这两个系统有什麼不一样,为什麼要分32位和64位呢? 426,37,534,33,736!96,934,7436,63,542,28,326, “乘兴而行,兴尽而返,何必见戴”这句体现了王子猷怎样的性格 王曰:“吾本乘兴而行,兴尽而返,何必见戴?” 翻译 吾本乘兴而行,兴尽而返,何必见戴的意思 吾本乘兴而行,兴尽而返,何必见戴?翻译 乘兴而行,兴尽而返.的意思? 请问有谁知道这个字怎么读?拼音、、、 一个三位数除以47,商是m,余数是n,则m+n最大值是? 英语翻译 The Spring Festival is usually _____ January or February.A.inB.atC.onD.during 请好人帮忙做英语题,谢谢了! 英语习题帮助````好人进来啊````````````````````````````!凑单词`一.Many people in_______```````(gamsproe)2.plenpa能组成_______3.sidkelis能组成_______ 微积分一题 微积分第一题 一道微积分题, 川外大一体育课怎样算成绩啊,我学的羽毛球,800米只有55分,体育能过嘛?