
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 10:27:31
过滤和滤过的不同? 什么是生物过滤 生物过滤有哪些 妈妈买回一个大西瓜,小姐问妈妈西瓜有多重.妈妈说这个西瓜的重量等于四分之九千克加上他自身重量的一半,你帮小军算算 西瓜多重不用方程 英语翻译怎么是使他自己(HIMSELF) 听到?而不是别人(the others)? he _______to speak a little louder to make himself______A.expected,hear B.was expected,hear C.expected,heard D.was expected,heard选哪个?为什么?中文意思是? Could you speak a little bit louder in order to make yourself( )A hearing B heardc hear D to be heard The chairman told the speaker that she ______ to speak a little louder so as to make herself _____.A.was expected; heard B.had expected; hear C.had hoped; hear D.was hoped; heard 正确答案为A,可是答案D为什么不对 Why you like English?帮我写七八句.英文的. Will you speak a little louder so that you can make everyone heard what you said.谁帮我分析下这句的语法有没有错误哦.我感觉很有问题.怎么后面这么多的动词.可惜我不懂.还有,谁能和我讲下had+过去分词和had 如图在等腰梯形ABCD中,AD//BC,对角线AC垂直于BD,AD=3.BC=7,求梯形的面积 将 why do you like art.改成why do you like art.的同义句. 同义句转换 I also like Art.转为I like Art ( ).每空一词! tea salad cabbage family 写出这些单词的复数形式 There was ___much noise ___the speaker could not make himself heardAso ,that B so as C such that D such a ,that 写一下用法 在等腰梯形ABCD中AD平行BC,AD小于BC,且AC与BD交于点O,若角BOC=120°,BD=8,则AD+BC=?梯形的面积为?这是初2的内容 如何一口气吃个大西瓜? 买了一个大西瓜吃不完了,还剩点谁来吃点?顺便问一下谁下午有好节目带俺呗,无聊死了 已知梯形ABCD中,AD‖BC,对角线AC、BD相交于点O,△AOB与△BOC的面积分别为2、4,则梯形ABCD的面积是 平均每天吃一个八斤重的大西瓜以后会不会得糖尿病啊?我一天吃一个大瓜,有点怕怕 大西瓜在哪 鱼为什么用游而鸟用飞,有什么来历? 鸟为什么会?在天上飞,鱼儿为什么会在水里游? 鱼和鸟是靠什么形态游动和飞行的? 什么鱼不会游?什么鸟不会飞? 让鱼在水里游,让鸟在蓝天飞,后面怎么写 make oneself understood 这是什么用法?不是make sth.其中,make sht.中的do sth是作宾补么? make oneself heard 我纳闷为什么不是make oneself is heard 1.He r_____his voice to make himself heard.2.The boy fell off the high tree but l_____he wasn't badly hurt.3.You'd better c____prices in another store before you want to buy something expensive. skirt是裙子吗? 英语skirt裙子,读音是?斯克特  还是  斯个特? neat skirt是什么样的裙子啊