
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:25:40
Water ___ into ice when it is cold enough.A.will changed B.must be changed C.should change D.can be changed you _____________ steam ________ water.(into/cool/turns/it) when ice melts,it turns into water.为什么turn 要加s Leave a bowl of water here,and it will soon turn into ice.Leave a bowl of water here,and it will soon turn into ice.(句意不变) ___ you leave a bowl of water here,it ___ soon turn into ice. don't push me是别推开我还是别碰我的意思 from where i stand ,i could not agree more with the author's opinion 的意思 from where i where i stand 是谁唱的 英语翻译请大家帮我翻一下这首歌 这是我以前的男朋友喜欢的一首歌,只想为他在做最后一件事.小灵仙Tell me where I stand Are we gonna be hand in hand Or did I just fall in love with a friend Tell me where I stand W where i stand歌曲链接是百度贴吧用的歌曲链接 ___ways to get on well with your classmates,or youwill get yourself very lonely.A.To findB.FindC.FindingD.Found Can you get on well with your classmates?汉译英 would you piease ------(help)me with my english?please 有关If you smell what the rock is cooking 的问题(急)怎么好像是Can you small what the rock is cooking.怎么在网上看视频有时翻译成If开头有时翻译成Can开头的呢?是怎么回事 The Rock说的到底是哪句?好的我 where does he live还是where does he live in 在英语中是不是有动词就用does/do如where does she live有名词就用is/am/are但where is your pen pal from为什么用is 其中的from是动词啊! 给我一篇写How to get on well with our parents?为题的英语作文,写与父母沟通的重要性和你是如何沟通. (1/2)高一英语作文 How to get on well with our parents 要求1.说明你与父母的相处情 2.举例说明原因 哪位大哥可以教我一篇英语作文!不会的不要乱回答!谢拉!题目是How to get on well with parents!60到70的, 汉译英 help me help i want1.南倩已经为我们支付了打的费2.你知道如何写一篇旅游日记吗?3.杭州是中国的交通运输中心.4.汤木将在香港待多久?5.他已经决定何时放弃这份工作了吗? 英语翻译“如果他问我如何锻炼,可当我告诉他之后,我会耐心再为他说一次.”怎么翻译啊 help!help!幼稚园汉译英一道他想知道火车已经开了多久了我告诉他火车已经开了一个小时了用has been That is kind of you.汉译英 中译英.help me.1.我发觉我的新裙子上有个破洞,就去商店退了货.(refund)2.如果你感到压力,就应当穿着白色.(stress)3.突然我发现我的手机不见了.(notice)4.一些歌曲使我们感觉放松、愉快.(feel) She has___books as I. I have___money as she A as much as many B as many,as muchC so many so much D more more Your books are three___(time)as many as mine as much time as she could 做什么成分 What do the children often do after school? what do the children often_do__in the eveing?意思 there are five people at my home,they are my parents and i 还是they are my parents and methere are five people at my home,they are my grandparents my parents and i 还是they are my grandparents my parents and me what do the children often___in the eveing?A.do B.doing C.to do There is a brother and parents in my family.这个句子对吗?