
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:23:04
请问一下该怎么书写电极反应式 灯L1,L2并联到电压不变的电源上,功率分别为P1,P2;将它们串联到原来的电源上,此时L1的功率为P1~,则P1速度啊!要过程!P1 ~怎么用字母表示? N2H4的电子式是什么 关于N2h4的电子式N元素外面应该成三个键(7个电子,第一层两个,第二层5个,所以成三键达到稳定状态)哪来的孤对电子给N元素,那不就充溢了吗? N2H4的价层电子数为多少,是什么杂化轨道?得3.5可以看做四4么 水的重要性有哪些?水的重要性,详细点,谢谢啦O(∩_∩)O 英语作文Do you agree that “Money talks”?What are the things that money cannot buy? 水的作用有哪些 young people nowadays spend a lot of money on things that are not really important.do you agree ordisagree 我是同意的 怎么把这句话提炼出MAIN POINT 作为文章标题 一定要是简短的 能表达出 我同意这个说法的。长的 大海能给我们带来哪些好处 let's,to,go,some,get,food连词成句 如果爆发第二次朝鲜战争,对世界经济的影响有没有中东战争那样大? let's get some exercise.这句话哪错了?改正 巴勒斯坦问题与朝鲜问题形成的不同,以及联合国在朝鲜战争与几次中东战争中的作用有和不同, Loving you makes the my ride of life worthwhile.是病句么Loving you makes the my ride of life worthwhile.爱你,让我的生命之旅有意义.词霸网里的.the 和my重复了么 In chinese,______ date 2013-1-4 has a similar pronunciation to "love you for a life"making it ________most lucky and romantic day.A.a;the B.不填;a C.the;a D.不填;the Do you agree felling in love in university?opinion and reasionmore? Some doctors in china are cheaters,Do you agree or disagree?I think some doctors are cheaters,they always exaggerate patient's condition and want to earn more money form the poor patients.Some docters don't have professional ethics and lose their con what are you doing later this afternoon这句话later在这里启什么作用啊,如果不加later意思一样吗? what are you father with you doing this afternoon?请问这句话对吗 Let's get some fruit翻译 Let's get mum some fruit它的同义句Let get ( )mum. Let’s get some fruit.We'll take it to the hospital.的意思是什么 亚硫酸钡 稀盐酸 离子 Do you agree that english is a messy language?why do you think so?麻烦用英文回答,急用.messy指混乱的意思。 塑料上粘有AB胶水怎么弄掉 设计电路图:三个电灯并联,一个电键控制三只灯,另一个电键控制两只灯,共用一电源要清楚的电路图! Shall I buy some bread?It's cheap Shall I buy some bread?It's ------ ------- He______(buy)some bread tomorrow. ( )There is ____bread left.Let's go and buy some.A.a few B.a little C.few D.little( )There is ____bread left.Let's go and buy some.A.a few B.a little C.few D.little I buy some bread for myself.这句话是不是也可以是:I for myself buy some bread?这种句子语序有什么规律吗?本人初学英语,我记得以前看过一个句子:I with my father am going to the cinema。后面的with my father 可 有亚硫酸钡吗?有亚硫酸氢钡吗?有的话溶于稀硝酸吗?