
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:47:02
谁来背首唐诗? A good student is someone that shows up to learn not for a grade什么意思 If you can't find your jacket,you can ask your mother for h_____. If you can not find your jacket,you can ask your mother for h_____. did your mother ask you _____1.who were you chatting with 2.where you are with you friends3.when would you go home 4.if you get home on time -Dad,where are my___(运动鞋)?I can't find them.___I'm sorry ,dear.Go and ask your mother for help 涛声依旧这首歌词显然借鉴了()代()的著名七绝诗《》,全诗是() 七年级下册语文期末试卷含答案 he told me that he didn't sleep a minute ____ the night1.on2.throughout3.from4.towards how far do you live from school为什么不是how far do you live 【to】 school how far do you live from school的宾语从句为什么是how far from school she live?而不是how far she live from school 英语翻译 nice改变首字母变成什么单词 改变一个字母,成为一个单词 nice __ your__ sit__ fine__ night__ too__ 模仿化石吟的“啊,你-令人叹服的大自然,高明的魔法师,卓越的雕刻家"的句式写"啊,你——令人敬佩的老师… Jake lives _____(far )from the school ,while I live____(close) to the school上面作废。= =Jake lives _____(far )from the school ,while I live____(close) to the school in our class 令人叹服的大自然,高明的魔法师,卓越的雕刻家.仿句 Jake lives _____(far )from the school ,while I live____(close) to the school in our class town的反义词是什么啊还有save的反义词,worst的反义词,AN UGLY 的反义词 模仿"啊,你-令人叹服的大自然,高明的魔法师,卓越的雕刻家"的句式,以时间或历史为对象写两句诗 TOWN HOUSE 知道是连体别墅, Who lives farthest from the school in your class?这句话对吗?live为什么有s啊?第三人称单数不是出现在肯定句吗 所谓伊人,在水一方 是关于爱的古诗词吗 所谓伊人,在水一方.选自哪一首诗,全诗是啥? 又在水一方这句话的是哪一首诗 有一个古诗配画的比赛 我想用“所谓伊人,在水一方”的那首诗来画 请问应该怎么画“君不见,黄河之水天上来”又应该怎么画,或者大家给我提供点其他的诗,最好是高深莫测的诗 ,就像我举 有没有古诗词间的互相借鉴比如说,南宋的词人在词中借鉴唐代古诗的诗句这样的,请写明所借鉴的诗词和作者,谢谢了. 78°55'N 11°56'E 这个地方是我国北极科考站——黄河站.那么从此地往正南方,将到达:A斯堪的纳维亚半78°55'N 11°56'E 这个地方是我国北极科考站——黄河站.那么从此地往正南方,将到达:A斯堪 找一篇小标题式的作文 500字以上 改错:How long do you live from your school?急! 方山子传 阅读答案方山子是怎么样的人 “一方水养一方人”的意思是A.尊重自然规律,做大自然的朋友B.因地制宜.扬长避短C.在适应当地环境的长期过程中,人们形成了一定的生活习惯和方式D.具备可持续发展的观念