
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:38:46
英语翻译1.我们禁不住赞叹其博物馆里的绘画和雕塑(can’t help)2.由于粗心,她没有完成那项有挑战性的任务(result)3.很难想像没有电,生命会如何?(imagine)4.在我二十多岁时,就开始从事教 英语翻译在方便面熟之前不准下来。用英文怎么说。 英语翻译1.使用索尼爱立信手机和一支望远镜,逆光拍摄的蒲公英花蕊.2.住所对面房檐下的燕子窝,位置不高,我站在一把椅子上拍到这张照片.3.在我老婆手的前面,一个正在爆裂的泡泡.我拍这种 英语翻译“我的心不会死,一直为你跳动.”形象生动点最好谢谢 英语翻译这个英文句子,其中有个单词是错的,哪位高手可以猜出它的意思?parents put a lot of paessare on us 英语翻译1、Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients by name,not case number.2、This is a junior school.You should go to a senior school for girls of your age.3、In the silence for the pauses,we could hear each other's breathing and could almo 英语翻译If decision-makers rely only on the former,there would be little guidance as to the psychological considerations that motivate members of a company-sponsored online community to contribute design ideas,such as for a new motor cycle or ath 英语翻译1、Neither children and adolescents nor pregnant and lactating women shouldtake this supplement.2、Advanced B Complex was designed to take the metabolic,cognitive andoverall health benefits of B vitamins to the next level.3、Advanced B 英语翻译high voltage is necessary for long transmission line while low voltage for safe use. 英语翻译Countries that don’t trade in goods and services also tend not to trade in ideas,pluralism or tolerance. 请帮忙翻译一下英语句子Chinese has experienced two generations of technology-assisted Distance Learning.The frist is broadcast/TV-based Distance Learning,which has led to China having the largest education network in the word.China's second 英语翻译1.在我看来,创意就是做了别人没做过的东西,想了别人没想过的事情,是超越传统和打破常规的智慧,包含着人们的方方面面2.创意起源于人类的创造力,来源于生活,改变人们生活,给人 翻译一下英语句子but I put too much peppers. 英语翻译1.自从1980年上海和旧金山结成中美之间第一对姐妹城市以来,双方开展了经济,技术,文化等各方面的交流和合作.2.旧金山位于美国西海岸.上海面朝东海.3.上海温和湿润.4.上海是国际贸 英语翻译She wondered uneasily what use she woule __this opportunity.A.make B.make about C.make for D.make of选D 英语翻译And it would take an average of 65 years for the reduced carbon emissions from a new energy-efficient home to make up for the resources lost by destroying an old one. 英语翻译The comparatively new scheme (c) has in comparison with conventional schemes (a) and (b) the following advantages.这个句子中comparatively具体意思,还有the following advantages是做什么成分? 英语翻译My previous job would not let me have enough time for recreation ,while teaching has breaks every term.这是我阅读遇到的句子,是在英语周刊上看到的,那个break 是很难理解,所以,上来问下.这后面一句应该是 英语翻译that's especially true of whirlwind tours of europe and jaunts to the orient with toursts waking at dawn to trek out to the great wall of china or to zhe ancient mounment of egypt.帮我分析下句子的结构..最好是 主谓宾这样 英语翻译Sometimes someone has to walk out of your life,for someone better to walk in. 英语翻译1:别打了,要打就打她吧,都是她的错2:你们都别想离开这里3:我在你心中是什么4:打架这些事怎么可以少了我呢?快放了他们要口语化点像电影对白 再加句:你小子还嘴硬 英语翻译The most common way we have of showing other people they are more important is by making ourselves smaller than they are. 英语翻译This new book called Diary of a Combatant is the first time a full unedited version of the Argentine-born revolutionary's diaries has been made available .这个句子的谓语是 is 还是 has been 麻烦大哥大姐帮忙分析一下. 悬30分.求外国名著中的经典名句.要英文的.有翻译的.15句一以上.比如:tomorrow is another day!明天又是新的一天!这种类型的,15句.可以长点的.是那种外国名著中的.像《飘》,《简爱》等的 英语翻译1 从某种意义上讲,微笑不仅可以使人愉快,还可以帮我们解决生活中的小问题,这就是我们要多微笑的原因 (in a way)2 看管一个用计算机语言进行交流的足球队是很滑稽的。(wat 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译他引用了一句圣经的话来证明他的信念.(beilef) 我们的假期被这恶劣的天气毁了.(spoil) 他不会说话,但他却凭借手势让别人知道他的想法.(means) 我们绝不能看不起那些穷人.(b 英语翻译before you listen,decide which points below you think Miguel will make about Latin America and which ones Tong will make about China.1\翻译下整句2 分析下句子结构 3、make point 英语翻译He got his first degree in 1936,later along with a doctor's degree of medicine.后面那个later along with是什么成分,这句看着有点奇怪,还有这么翻译好呢, 英语翻译外国论坛流行的一句话,叫If you like ,buy me a beer.请不要回答:如果可以的话,给我买瓶啤酒. 英语翻译To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Dahrendorf’s assertion that social change exists everywhere.Technology,the application of knowledge for practical ends,is a major source of social change.这里 appreciat