
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:13:24
英语求解 并翻译 the monkey and the fisherman是什么意思 英语翻译are in full force and effect and any conditions for their effectiveness have been satisfied or waived We should remain modest and prudent.remain不是动词么?后面怎么可以直接接形容词?是不是当系动词用了? 洛邑的古地名是什么洛阳市今城市名啊?那你知道建业的古地名和今地名吗?古城市名 今城市名 古地名 今地名长安 西安 夷洲 台湾 they are full of life and I have a fevr and I have a headache的翻译拜托各位大神 英语翻译Technical regulations are essential in modern society.They are adopted to protect human and animal life and health; to ensure that products offered to the consumer meet the necessary levels of quality,purity,technical efficiency and adequ I am a clock.I have a big_,but I have no_or_.填什么拜托各位大神 请问make有关的解释为制造的词组有哪些?有什么区别? make up one's 用一个词如何表示? My dad's got a borther,_____ I have got an uncle.A.and B.so C.but D.for when he was fourteen,he left for london.(改为同义句)________ _________ _________ ___________ fourteen,he left for London. You have done somgthing that____you specialA made B make C makes that i have how special funky monkey babys桜中文歌词同上 歌词太华丽了只要给个满意的翻译 写一个有〖make one's mouth water〗这个词组的短对话.大概四到五个回合单词不要太生僻的.高一水平就好. If you don’t like it ,I wish you would say so. 只有晨风吹过荒漠的草地,撕掠着青草,发出飒飒的声响.”在文中起什么作用? 2010计算机考研统考第9题已知一个长度为16的顺序表L,其元素按关键字有序排列.若采用折半查找法查找一个L中不存在的元素,则关键字的比较次数最多是 A)4 B)5 C)6 D)7 按照公式比较次数=log2(n)+ to be 只有晨风吹过荒漠的草地,撕掠着青草,发出飒飒的声响.描写方法是( ) 由于风力作用形成的是?1.雅丹地貌2.荒漠草原3.高寒草场4.河口三角洲 I want you both to listen to me.是同位语吗,同位语不是名词修饰代词吗? i want you all to listen to me()选哪个carefulcarefully这两个选哪个?请问区别是什么啊~ So much to do,so little done,such things to be. 48个音标中辅音的分类分为爆破音之类的 旨读几声?是什么意思?急用! love is life go hand in Go handin hand love 啥意思 为什么那个bx^4可以省略?看不懂 Many girls don't eat breakfast because they want to be t________.