
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 04:10:50


WHITE HOUSE:1、White House spokesman Jay Carney
said Obama and US officials are
"extremely disappointed" by Russia's
decision to give Snowden a one-year
asylum in the face of entreaties
from American officials to expel
Snowden back to the United States
to face espionage charges.
2、"There have been times where they
slip back into Cold War thinking
and a Cold War mentality," Obama
said in an interview on NBC's
The Tonight Show.
3、"We'll still work with Russia
on issues where we can find
common ground, but it was the
unanimous view of the president and
his national security team that a
summit did not make sense in
the current environment," Rhodes said.
MOSCOW - Russia will not extradite
fugitive US intelligence whistleblower Edward
Snowden to his home country,
Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said
"President Vladimir Putin has not
participated in the discussion of the
issue with US colleagues," Peskov told
reporters, adding that the Federal
Security Service (FSB) was in talks
with its US counterpart FBI over
Snowden's fate.