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英语论文 :A Brief Introduction to English-Chinese Tran[1]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/22 07:45:09 英语论文
英语论文 :A Brief Introduction to English-Chinese Tran[1]英语论文
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【Abstract】With China’s successful entry into WTO, some adults are beginning to attach importance to studying business English contracts. The purpose of this paper is to quest for English-Chinese Translation Techniques of business contracts.

【Key Words】English-Chinese Translation Techniques;Business Contracts;Passive Voice;Adverbial Clauses

With China’s successful entry into WTO (the World Trade Organization), business English is more widely used. A business English contract is a formal written agreement, which sets forth rights and obligations of the parties concerned. Once entered into, a contract is binding and enforceable by law. Any party who fails to fulfill his obligations must make compensation for the other party’s losses. A business contract is an indispensable part for people to carry out international business activities. It is necessary to mention a few English-Chinese translation techniques of business contracts.

When translating, both grammatical and rhetorical considerations are involved. Since Chinese and English belong to two different language families and present a lot of differences in their grammar, lexicon, discourse structure, etc., one of the problems we cannot avoid while translating is how to make the version sound as smooth and natural as possible.

Translating sentences of business English Contracts into Chinese is feasible but not always easy. They are comprehensive, and occasionally complex. The following translation techniques will focus on the passive voice and the adverbial clauses.

1.Translation Techniques of Passive Voice

Voice is a grammatical category. It is a form of the verb, which shows whether the subject of a sentence acts or is acted on. When the subject is the agent or doer of an action, the verb takes the form of active voice; if, on the other hand, the subject is the recipient of the action, the verb takes the form of passive voice.

Passive voice is widely used in English, espec英语论文