
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 01:24:51

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The global emission stock exchange market gradually devoloping and improving.International carbon emission stock exchange market in european include Amsterdam climate,Germany enery and france eletric.Beside that,Japan,Canada,Russia and Australia also have their own emission stock exchange market.Chicaco climate change was the frist listed in stock exchange market around the world.In 2006,trading corbon volume were up to 5.53 bilion tons.In these all settlement amount of corbon trading,European climate exchange hold up to 82% of share market,which all corbon contract trading through international electronic transaction in London stock exchange.In 2006,the global emission trading were up to 280 billion.At the moment,internationl emission trading price in gradually increasing,European climate stock exchange reached a record of 30euro per ton in 2006.

Global emissions trading market continued development and improvement. International carbon emissions trading market of the European Climate Exchange in Amsterdam, Germany's European Energy Exchange, ...


Global emissions trading market continued development and improvement. International carbon emissions trading market of the European Climate Exchange in Amsterdam, Germany's European Energy Exchange, Power Exchange, the future of France, in addition to Japan, Canada, Russia, Australia also has its own emissions trading market. Chicago Climate Change Exchange, which is the world's first national climate exchange. 2006 exchange trading volume of the carbon handle 553 million tons. All clearing and settlement through the exchange of carbon trading volume, the 82% share of the European Climate Exchange, the all carbon finance contracts in the futures market in London intercontinental electronic transactions, in 2006, global emissions trade has reached 28 billion U.S. dollars . At present, international emissions trading market price increases, which in mid-2006, the European Climate Exchange reached a record 30 euros per tonne.


英语翻译全球排污权交易市场的不断发展完善.国际碳排污权交易市场有阿姆斯特丹的欧洲气候交易所、德国的欧洲能源交易所、法国的未来电力交易所,此外日本、加拿大、俄罗斯、澳大利 排污费和排污权交易时共存的吗?购买了排污权,在权利内排污还需要缴纳排污费吗?如果没有购买排污权,私自排污,会有什么处罚? 英语翻译“随着我国市场经济的不断发展和完善,企业的国际化,规范化程度正日益提高,成本管理作为企业的一个重要组成部分,渐渐凸显了其在经济决策中的重要性.我国中小施工企业普遍存 英语翻译不多,就这么一小段文字,是这段文字:随着中国经济的不断发展,资本市场在经济生活中的作用正在得到不断强化、丰富和完善。委托理财业务作为一种金融产品,它的出现,其实并非 英语翻译苏北水产品交易市场 也行 英语翻译在线商品房交易市场构建模式分析 排污阀的种类有哪些连续排污,间歇排污 英语翻译摘要:随着经济的不断发展,全球化是社会发展的必然结果.中国加入世界贸易组织后,其经济发展已融入全球经济一体化的进程.这就赋予了人们更多的机遇在商贸经济各领域进行广泛 英语翻译完善的法律体系建立起来了 英语翻译论养老保障制度的完善 据统计,全球每分钟约有8500000t污水排入江河湖海,请你计算每小时全球的排污量(用科学计数法表示) 据统计,全球每分钟约有8500000吨污水排入江河湖海,请你计算每小时全球的排污量.(用科学计数法表示)求解答, 化学中的通风橱是一种好的实验仪器吗?会不会对空气造成污染呢?是不是一种完善的排污装置? 什么叫房产的产权交易市场 木材交易市场 落叶松的长度多少 我国碳交易市场的现状是什么 英语翻译随着当今社会科学技术的不断发展,汽车的转向系统也日渐趋于完善.但是为了更好的、更加有效率的完成工作,就要有合理的、先进的转向系统来支持汽车的正常的运行,使之正常工作 英语翻译公司是经营二手车的....“**二手机动车交易市场有限公司”,请帮我翻译,简洁、正确就行了.