
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 19:55:27


He was getting off the bus.He fell and hurt himself
1 While he was getting off the bus,he fell and hurt himself
2 When he fell and hurt himself,he was getting off the bus
3 He was getting off the bus when he fell and hurt himself
4 He fell and hurt himself while he was getting off the bus.
5 As he got off the bus,he fell and hurt himself
6 He fell and hurt himself as he got off the bus.

  1. when和while在引导状语从句时, 都可表示“当……的时候”。如
  Doctor Smith called when / while we were preparing dinner.


  1. when和while在引导状语从句时, 都可表示“当……的时候”。如
  Doctor Smith called when / while we were preparing dinner.
  当我们正在做饭的时候, 史密斯医生来访了。
  When / While I was in Shanghai, I met with the pop star.
  当我在上海时, 碰巧遇到了那位流行歌星。
  (1) when表示“当……的时候”, 从句中既可以用延续性动词, 表示状态或时间段, 也可以用非延续性动词, 表示动作或时间点; while表示“当…… 的时候”、“在……期间”, 从句中只能用延续性动词, 表示状态或时间段。例如:
  It was snowing when we arrived at the station.
  When he came in, we all stood up, smiling.
  I was very fat when / while I was a child.
  When / While she was typing, someone knocked at the door.
  (2)在when或while所引导的状语从句中, 如果从句的主语和主句的主语相同, 且动词又是be动词时, 从句的主语和be动词往往可以省略。例如:
  When / While (I was) walking along the street, I heard my name called.
  When / While (you’re) in trouble, turn to me for help.
  2. when和while都可以表示“尽管、虽然”, 但when经常指描述的事实或结果事与愿违或出人意料, 而while在语气上含有让步之意。例如:
  The boy was watching TV when he should have gone to bed.
  虽然那孩子该睡觉了, 但他还在看电视。
  The old couple prefer walking when they might take a taxi.
  尽管可以坐出租车, 那对老夫妇更愿意步行。
  While I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.
  尽管我承认他并不完美, 但我确实真地喜欢他这个人。
  While he loves his students, he is very strict with them.
  虽然他爱他的学生, 但对他们的要求也很严格。
  (1) 然而, 可是
  I like coffee, while my sister likes tea.
  我喜欢咖啡, 而我姐姐喜欢喝茶。
  I was preparing for the exam while they were chatting.
  我在准备考试, 可他们却在闲聊。
  (2) 只要
  While there is water, there is hope of life.
  只要有水, 就有生存的希望。
  I’ll offer help to those poor children while I’m alive.
  只要我活着, 就要帮助那些贫困的孩子。


She listened closely while heread the letter.
While hore andhero fell.
Prepare while other are procrastinating.
Begin while other are daydreaming.
After a while I fell asleep.
After a while i fell a sieep.
While the social scientists disagreed