
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 16:57:15


A monastery,located in the remote,incense has been deserted.
That day,an uninvited guest to the monastery.Shabbily dressed man,bearing out of the ordinary.The other side say that they pass by here,the car broke down,the vehicle driver now that he take a look into the temple.
Master accompany visitors around everywhere.Walking,Master ask guests to a question:"How can we rid our own desires?"
Master smiled and folded into the body inside the room that used to Bajian Zi,the guests said:"The donor,please come with me!"
He visitors to the temple outside the hillside.Guests see the mountain is covered with shrubs,but also to see the shape of the tree pruning Master.
Master Ba Jianzai to the guests,said:"As long as you can always like me repeatedly pruning a tree,you will eliminate the desire."
Guests took scissors to doubt,to a Congguan Mu,Kachakaca to cut up.
The effort over a pot of tea,the Master asked him how to feel.Guests smiled:"The body was feeling a lot of easy stretch,but the day-to-day to plug into my mind as if the desire of those who did not lay down."
Master nodded and said:"This is just the beginning.Pruned regularly,that's enough."
When visitors walk,he agreed with the Master to ten days later.
Master do not know,the visitor is subject to the most-famous entertainment mogul,he has never encountered before experienced business problems.
Ten days later,to a tycoon; Sixteen days later,here we go again ......Tycoon three months have passed,the tycoon has become a tree pruning shrubs shape of a bird.Master asked him,whether now know how to eliminate the desire.Look of shame to face with mogul replied that I may be too crass,now cut each time,to calm,with no Guaai.However,from here you leave and return to the circle of my life,all my desire to still come out as usual.
Master laugh and not words.
When the barons of the birds forming completely,Master,he also asked the same question,his answer remains.
This time,Master of the tycoon said:"The donor,you know why I suggest that you had to trim trees?I just hope that every time you cut,can be found,some of the original cut will come again.This As we desire,you do not expect to completely eliminate.We can do is try to trim it more attractive.Laissez-faire desire,it will be like this Manpo the soaring shrubs,ugly state.However,regular pruning can be A pleasing landscape.Fame and fortune for as long as the proper way,by the way,the self-hui,it should not be seen as the spiritual shackles."
Tycoon come.
Since then,as more and more the coming of pilgrims,temples around the bush Yi Keke has been cut into various shapes.Sheng incense here gradually,increasingly well-known.

狠的 ~~~


英语翻译一座寺院,地处偏远,香火一直非常冷清.这天,寺院来了一个不速之客.来人衣衫光鲜,气宇不凡.对方说自己路过此地,汽车抛锚了,司机现在修车,他进寺院来看看.法师陪来客四处转悠.行 曼谷的西郊有一座寺院,因为地处偏远,香火一直非常冷清.原来的住持圆寂后,索提那克法师来到寺院做新住持.初来乍到,他绕着寺院四周巡视,140型蜂窝煤机,发现寺院周围的山坡上到处长着灌 英语翻译浮山中学是一所有着光荣传统的历史名校,也是一所地处偏远的农村学校.但八十多年来,我们浮中人不畏艰难,锐意进取,凭着“十年树木,百年树人”的耐心和责任心,营造出了优良的独 如果说佛菩萨不需要香火供养,为什么寺里一直用香火供养呢?佛菩萨不受香火,哪香火谁来享受? 同学,你好,请求分享你的GRE视频课堂看,地处偏远,报班不便,邮箱:shendan0501@163.com 谢谢~ 中国那座寺院禅学最出名? 热血无赖中 北角(图中红圈)那边有个香火一直找不到取的路! 日本地处那一地震带上 英语翻译一首非常好听得... 我国部分偏远乡村地区还非常贫穷 用英语怎么说 中国第一座佛教寺院是哪一座 中国第一座佛教寺院是哪一座 英语翻译第一篇~惊闻杭州灵隐寺方丈,温州江心寺法主(寺院的方丈年事既高,赋闲休养,即奉为法主,在寺院是极其崇高的荣誉)木鱼大师圆寂的消息,不禁悲从中来.虽然和木鱼大师仅一而之缘 一直不太懂为什么去寺庙要烧香,还有说香火旺盛,菩萨就乐意保佑什么的,是什么意义呢? 英语翻译帮忙把“我一直在”用一英语翻译过来! 英语翻译我一直都非常爱你,可你为什么,总是忽略我的爱?- - 英语翻译我非常喜欢英语这门语言,并且一直努力的去掌握它. 英语翻译 金华被叫做 浙中明珠地处盆地